Hello Math and Data Science Majors,
I hope you are doing well on this final week of the spring semester prior to Spring Break. While I know that you are likely thinking only about the few coursework things that you need to complete before Spring Break, there are many things that you will come back to afterward that you should spend at least some time thinking about between now and Monday, March 18th. Thus, I want to point these things out in message this week.
Yesterday (Monday, March 4th), registration for Summer 2024 semester courses opened. While some summer semester courses will not fill up, the most popular courses will fill up, and they may become closed before you return from Spring Break. It is also my understanding that some departments may receive less money to teach classes this summer, which will result in fewer courses or fewer course sections being offered. The end result will be fewer seats available in summer courses overall, which could mean more full courses. Thus, I urge you to spend some time over Spring Break thinking about summer classes.
This week (March 4th - 8th) is the seventh week of the full Spring 2024 semester, which means that the week after Spring Break (March 18th - 22nd) will be the eighth week or the halfway point of the semester. The end of the eighth week of the semester (Friday, March 22nd) is always the Pass/No Pass deadline for the Spring 2024 semester. The Pass/No Pass deadline is your last chance to change a full Spring 2024 semester course to or from the Pass/No Pass grading basis. I expect that your week returning from Spring Break will be very busy, so I would encourage you to spend some time over Spring Break thinking about the whether you want to change the grading basis for one of your current courses.
Lastly, the second Monday after Spring Break (Monday, March 25th) is the start of Priority Registration for the Fall 2024 semester. Yesterday (Monday, March 4th), the schedule of classes for the Fall 2024 semester and your Priority Registration date and time were published on MyRed. Again, I expect that your week after returning from Spring Break will be busy, so I would encourage you to spend a little time over Spring Break thinking about your Fall 2024 semester schedule of classes and/or your approach to Priority Registration.
During the week of Spring Break, I will be away for the office on Monday, March 11th and Friday, March 15th. Otherwise, my schedule of advising meetings will not be impacted outside of what I mention below. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns about anything.
Advising Schedule Disruptions
This week and through the end of March, there are going to be disruptions to my normal Spring 2024 advising hours. First, there will be no Zoom drop-in meetings on Friday, March 8th or Friday, March 15th due to meetings and needing to be away from the office. Second, Zoom drop-in meetings will only be available from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 13th and Wednesday, March 20th due to previously scheduled meetings. Lastly, I will be away from my office at a conference on Monday, March 25th; Tuesday, March 26th; and Wednesday, March 27th, so I won't have advising meetings or Zoom drop-ins on those days, which I know are the first three days of Priority Registration for the Fall 2024 semester. I realize that these disruptions are not ideal, but I am trying to give everyone as much notice as possible.
CAS Advising Nights
We’re here to help you succeed! Priority enrollment can be a hectic time for students and advisors alike. Here are some extra opportunities to get help planning next semester’s classes. Connect with our knowledgeable academic advisors in a relaxed atmosphere. No appointment is necessary, just stop by 107 Oldfather Hall on March 21st, March 27th, and April 2nd from 5-7 pm. We will also host a night via Zoom (https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising) on April 8th from 5-7 pm.
Newsletter Feedback
If you ever have questions or feedback about anything in the weekly newsletter, please let me know by shooting me an email. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to know if these emails are actually being read and/or found useful.
Best wishes, Doug
Spring 2024 Advising Schedule
I will taking in-person, Zoom, and phone meetings in 45-minute blocks from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm and 1:15 pm to 5:00 pm every weekday when I am not taking Zoom drop-in advising meetings. I will also be taking Zoom drop-in advising meetings on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and Fridays at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Zoom drop-in meetings are being coordinated by the College of Arts and Sciences with a schedule and a link to the Zoom room available at https://cas.unl.edu/drop-in-advising-schedule.
You can schedule a meeting with me by using the Student Success Hub via this link, by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at dpellatz@unl.edu. You can find instructions for how to access and schedule meetings in the Student Success Hub system here.
Math Department Events
The Math Department has many upcoming events that might be of interest to you along with a weekly (or almost weekly) colloquium series. A listing of all upcoming Math Department events can be found at https://events.unl.edu/math/upcoming/.
CAS Student Spotlight
Do you want to be featured by the college? Share your story by filling out this quick web form and show others why Mathematics is for you. Showcase all the opportunities and experiences you are gaining with your Mathematics major.