Math Club: Codeword Cipher
On Thursday, March 28th at 5 pm in 351 Avery Hall, the Math Club will present "Codeword Cipher," a talk about Dakota White, Math Department Graduate Teaching Assistant.
When: Thursday, March 28th at 5 pm
Where: 351 Avery Hall
Presenter: Dakota White, Math Department Graduate Teaching Assistant
Title: Codeword Cipher
Abstract: Modern encryption stems from a history that reliant on the histories of secret communications and mathematical knowledge, with one often driving the other. This talk will briefly outline this history, highlighting key tenants of encryption and decryption, the math behind important encryption systems, and get our hands dirty with some light cryptanalysis!
Pizza and Pop will be served! Everyone is welcome!
Please visit https://math.unl.edu/math-club for information about future Math Club events!