Husker Sports Analytics Volunteer Intern Opportunities
Mitch Cholewinski, the Coordinator of Football Sports Science, and Husker Sports Analytics have opportunities for volunteer interns for the Spring 2025 semester, and they are looking for help with some data projects surrounding athlete performance (monitoring and training), NFL draft data, and season planning just to name a few. Some of the projects their previous data intern had worked on included NFL draft comparison tools, a season tactical periodization assistance tool, and a tool linking college performance to NFL draft items.
They are looking for students with skills from both the Data Science and Mathematics majors, and they have room for maybe 1 or 2 Data Science majors and 1 or 2 Mathematics majors.
Interested students should have successfully completed the following courses:
- Data Science majors: MATH 314/314H or MATH 315; CSCE 310, CSCE 311, or CSCE 320; and STAT 101, STAT 218, or STAT 380/RAIK 270H
- Mathematics majors: 2 out of 3 courses from MATH 221/221H, MATH 314/314H, and STAT 380/RAIK 270H AND MATH 309 with a preference for MATH 310 or MATH 325
Interested students should contact Mitchell Cholewinski at mcholewinski@huskers.com as soon as possible to express interest in these volunteer internship positions.