Math Undergraduate News

Advising Updates

DougPellatz.jpgUpdates, information about Priority Registration Advising Hours, and information about the new Math major options from your assigned advisor for Mathematics, Doug Pellatz. Continue reading…


A Preview of the new Math Major Options

Math Curriculum 2019-20On Thursday, April 18 from 5:00-6:00 pm in 351 Avery Hall, the Math Club will be hosting an event called "A Preview of the new Math Major Options". Dr. Radu and Doug will be present information about the new Math major options that will debut in Fall 2019. Continue reading…


Upcoming Events

Sarah Collins EventClick here for a list of selected upcoming events like two Math seminars, one Math Club event, , two more Academic Success Workshops, some Pre-Law and Pre-Health Events, a talk about Big Data, a couple of charity fun runs, and more! Continue reading…


Making Your Mark: An Exploration Workshop

Making Your Mark: An Exploration WorkshopOn Tuesday, April 23rd from 2:30-4:00 pm in Nebraska Union Heritage Room, the College of Arts and Sciences will be hosting "Making Your Mark: An Exploration Workshop". This event will help guide you through a variety of activities that will help you feel more confident about your degree and path. Continue reading…


CASSAB Applications are now open!

CASSABCASSAB is a great way for students to get involved and be a voice for students within the college as well as serve on important college committees such as the Curriculum and Advising committee and the Grading Option, Appeals, and Late Withdrawals committee. Applications are due April 12th! Continue reading…


Get Assistance at Husker Hub!

Husker HubThe new Husker Hub is your one stop shop for assistance with being a Husker. Now open in 130 Pound Hall (the old CBA building), Husker Hub is available to answer your questions about registration, scholarships and financial aid, and student accounts. Continue reading…


New Enrollment Scheduler Available on MyRed!

New Enrollment SchedulerThe Office of the University Registrar has implemented a new Enrollment Scheduler for students on MyRED. In the new Enrollment Scheduler, you will select courses and enter break times to automatically generate optimized schedules that balance learning with other life activities. Continue reading…


Global Café: Coffee with a Diplomat

Coffee with a DiplomatOn Thursday, April 11 from 3:30-4:30 pm in 827 Oldfather Hall, the UNL Global Studies Program will be hosting "Coffee with a Diplomat" at their Global Café. Kristin Stewart, U.S. Foreign Service Officer will be available to talk about careers with the State Department. Continue reading…



Dr. Petronela RaduIf you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your Math faculty advisor, Dr. Petronela Radu (211 Avery Hall,, and your Math assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (209 Avery Hall,, are here to help.

Originally published April 8, 2019 - Submit an Item