Advising Updates

Doug Pellatz
Doug Pellatz

Hello Math Majors,

Welcome to the Fall 2019 semester! For those of you who are new to the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, I want to welcome you to UNL, the Math Department, and the Math major. For those of returning for another semester, welcome back. If you have any questions, you can contact me at or 402-472-4319, and my office is located within the Math Department office in 203 Avery Hall.

I have two big updates to share with you for the start of the fall semester. First, I have laid out my advising office hours below. Once I am taking appointments again, I will be accepting 30 minute and 60 minute appointments this semester. Please schedule a 60 minute appointment with me if we will be creating a 4-year or graduation course plan or if we will be meeting to create an academic recovery plan. These 60 minute meetings will allow us at least a good 45 minutes to discuss your plans and any questions that you have. I am also starting Walk-in Wednesdays this semester where I will have walk-in meetings from 8:30-11:30 am and 1:00-3:30 pm every Wednesday. If you have quick question, don't hesitate to stop by the office on Wednesdays for a walk-in meeting. Second, I want to remind you about the email change. Starting this summer, ALL University email messages are going to your email address regardless of your email preferences on MyRed. You MUST check your email address regularly if you want to stay up-to-date with important announcements from the University. If you would like more information about this change, please visit and review the current student tab of information. All students will be expected to be reviewing their email address, so you miss an important piece of information sent to this email, you will be held responsible for it. If you know your fellow classmates haven't switched over to using their email address, please give them this information.

Please consider coming to the Math Club meeting about the new Math major options on Thursday, August 29 from 4:00-5:00 pm in 351 Avery Hall. Dr. Radu and I will be giving a presentation and taking questions about the change to the Math major and the 7 total options that the major now has. A schedule of Math Club meetings and special events are posted here

Lastly, everyone should have access to the Math Undergraduate Lounge in 18 Avery Hall via your NCard. I have worked with Tom Danaher to get everyone with a Math major as part of their degree plan access to the lounge, so please let Tom or I know if you don't have access to the lounge. Our undergraduate lounge is such as great place to hang out, study, and find some quiet time.


Doug's Fall 2019 Advising Hours

Starting Thursday, September 5, my advising hours in 209 Avery Hall (within 203 Avery Hall) will be as follows:

Appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
30 minute and 60 minute appointments from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Click here for step by step instructions for creating an appointment on MyPlan!

Walk-in Wednesdays!
Walk-in meetings from 8:30-11:30 am and 1:00-3:30 pm

Between now and Wednesday, September 4, I will be talking walk-in meetings only from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. If you have questions about Fall 2019 classes or another immediate issue, please come see me for a walk-in meeting.

Dr. Radu's Fall 2019 Advising Hours

This fall, Dr. Radu will have advising hours on Mondays from 1:00-2:30 pm in 211 Avery Hall (just around the corner from the department office). Dr. Radu is also available by appointment, and you can contact her at to set one up.