Fall 2020 University Virtual Career Fair
The Career Services Community across the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus are excited to host University Career Fairs virtually in the fall of 2020. This fall, the Career Fair will take place over four days, each day designated as specific to various career pathways. To learn more about Career Pathways, look here.
Students, alumni, and employers can all access the Virtual Career Fairs through Handshake. This virtual platform enables students and employers to connect via video, chat, or both. Click here to learn more about Handshake.
Register for this semester’s Career Fairs to found out who is coming and when you can meet with them! The University Career Fairs will be held virtually on Handshake across 4 days all from 12-4pm.
o Day 1, Tuesday, Sept. 22nd - Opportunities in: Science & Research, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Development, Math & Data Analytics, Marketing, Advertising, Sales & Service, Hospitality and Tourism
o Day 2, Wednesday, Sept. 23rd - Opportunities in: Engineering, Construction, & Manufacturing
o Day 3, Thursday, Sept. 24th - Opportunities in: Transportation & Logistics, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Nutrition, Finance, Accounting, Banking & Insurance
o Day 4, Friday, Sept. 25th - Opportunities in: Business, Management and Operations, Training, Government & Public Administration, Human Services & Non-profit, Law, Public Safety, Health & Public Health
You MUST register for a career fair to attend any of the individual meetings or group meetings held by an employer, and you must register before the career fair actually starts!! The individual employer events like 10 minute one-on-one meetings and groups meetings can be registered for in advance or on the day of the career fair. In addition, to participate in employer group sessions, you will likely need to change your Handshake privacy settings. When your Handshake profile is activated, it defaults to the most private setting, but you will need to change this (under account settings) to be “community” or “employers only”. You can always change it back after the fair if you prefer. Check out the open Canvas course with tips on how to be prepared and successful: https://canvas.unl.edu/courses/97750.
If you do not plan ahead of time, it is possible that you will not be able to attend the fair or you won't be able to see the employer that you are interested in!
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/2020-fall-university-virtual-career-fair/