Career Coaching Available Virtually
Connect with a Career Coach to talk about your future career goals whether that’s finding an on-campus job, creating/updating resume, identifying internships, preparing for graduate/professional school, etc. Make an appointment on MyPLAN using the following link: Schedule here!
ISA Information Sessions:
Explore Math & Technology Programs, Friday, Oct. 30th, 2pm, Virtual Session: https://worldstrides.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtcumhpzIpGtyObnzDS3D2F1PEYRt8hpa1
• ISA is an affiliate partner of the UNL Education Abroad Office. They offer study, intern, and research programs in a wide variety of countries around the world.
• Please contact an Education Abroad Coordinator (https://educationabroad.unl.edu/schedule-virtual-advising-appointment-0) if you are interested in pursuing an ISA program, or browse all program options in MyWorld (https://myworld.unl.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.AdvancedSearch).
• For information on how to get started and how to pick a program, attend a Huskers Abroad 101 session (https://educationabroad.unl.edu/huskers-abroad-101-registration).
Virtual Huskers Abroad 101 Sessions
Tuesday, Oct. 27th, 10:30am CDT, via Zoom
Wednesday, Oct. 28th, 4:30pm CDT, via Zoom
Thursday, Oct. 29th, 2pm CDT, via Zoom
• Interested in going abroad but don’t know where to start? Attend a Huskers Abroad 101 session to take the first step toward going abroad! This session will cover researching program options, selecting a program, funding and the timeline for the process. Pre-registration is required at: https://go.unl.edu/huskersabroad101. Once registered, a Zoom link will be emailed to you.
Office Hours for Career Conversations with the CIA
Thursday, Nov. 5th, 10am-4pm Central
• Are you interested in applying or working with the CIA either during school or post-graduation? If yes, sign-up for a 20-minute phone call with our CIA Recruiter, Daniel, to get your questions answered about career opportunities, work environment, and culture.
• Daniel is an Agency veteran who began his career as an analyst and has served in various leadership and corporate roles during the last two decade. He also worked in the private sector for about 10 years prior to his Federal Service.
• Come prepared with questions about positions found on http://www.cia.gov/careers (take the Job Fit Tool survey and share results), resume style, cover letter format, and anything else regarding working at the CIA
• Sign-up at the following link for time and be sure to include your phone number for Daniel to contact you: https://go.unl.edu/officehourscia
• About the CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency’s primary mission is to collect, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US Government policymakers in making decisions related to national security. All CIA positions require US citizenship and relocation to the Washington, DC metropolitan area.”
The Daily Nebraska Media Group
Tuesday, Oct. 27th, 10am-1pm CDT, In-person Informational Booth, HLH South Lobby (College of Business)
• We are the Daily Nebraskan Media Group, also known as DNMG, and we specialize in developing custom marketing solutions for businesses. We know it takes an integrated approach to achieve marketing goals, and we have the know-how to make a simple and effective plan for businesses.
• We are looking for potential sales representatives and marketing specialists.
Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc.
Friday, Oct. 30th, 10am-1pm CDT, Virtual via Zoom: https://go.unl.edu/employerinresidencezoom
• Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc. (EBI) is the parent company of four diverse businesses that are leaders in their industries and markets. These businesses include AFB International (pet food flavoring), Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense (aerospace and defense), Honeybee Robotics (space robotics) and EnviroLogix (molecular detection).
• While those industries are very different, we are united in that we all have a strong drive for customer satisfaction, possess an entrepreneurial mindset and value a team-oriented culture. EBI’s 12-week intern program focuses on immersing students in actual day-to-day work of a regular full-time employee. As an intern, you will collaborate with industry experts to support customer contracts, solve real-world challenges, and change the way we do business.
• We are seeking talented college students to join our summer 2021 internship program! Our 12-week program is designed to provide real-world and hands-on experience in areas that interest you! As an intern, you will collaborate with industry experts to solve real-world challenges and change the way we do business. We also have full-time entry-level positions for upcoming graduates.
• Zoom Instructions for Virtual Meeting: Students will be able to talk one on one with a representative. Once you click on the zoom link you will be entered into a waiting room. Once the employer host is ready they will admit you into the meeting.
Check out virtual events with employers on Handshake by following this link: https://app.joinhandshake.com/events
• ScribeAmerican Information Session-Oct. 28th & 29th
• Work@Liberty Wednesday: Optimizing Your Brand on LinkedIn
AccuWeather - Meteorologist
US Geological Survey - Hydrologic Technician
U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command - Meteorologist
Auburn University - Ph.D. Level Graduate Assistantship in Climate Modeling
San Diego State University - Interdisciplinary climate-hydrology-society PhD and MS student positions
PhD position in Seismology - Dalhousie University
Northwestern University - Graduate Student Opportunities
University of Connecticut - Funded Earth System Modeling MS and PhD Positions
U.S. Department of Energy - Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Program
US Navy - Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program
Commodity Weather Group, LLC - Weather Communications Specialist
University at Buffalo and Northern Arizona University - Graduate Student Opportunities in Arctic Paleoclimatology
Other Job and Internship Resources
US Government Jobs - USAJOBS
American Meteorological Society - Career Center Job Board
PennState Dept of Meteorology - All Job Listings
Oklahoma School of Meteorology - All Job Listings
The American Geophysical Union - AGU Pathfinder Career Center
The Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Job Board
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) - Opportunity Catalog