Jobs and Internships

Jobs and Internships
Jobs and Internships


Career Coaching
Ready to hit the ground running this spring? Schedule a meeting with a Career Coach to discuss ways to gain experience (internships, research, campus/community involvement), tips for your post-graduate job searching/interviewing, updating your resume and writing cover letters, and how prepare for pursuing graduate school. Make an appointment on MyPLAN using the following link: Schedule here!


Global Café with the Peace Corps
Tues. Feb 6th 5-6pm via Zoom
• Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and have the experience of a lifetime.
• Join us to learn about volunteer experiences, ask questions about service, and gain tips to guide you through the application process
• Register here:

Employment Readiness Certificate for International Students
Wednesdays, Feb. 3rd-March 31st, 3:30-5pm, HLH 211 (College of Business)
• Employment readiness for international students involves multiple skills and experiences throughout all four years of college. This course is for students in any stage of your college career – Freshmen and Sophomores are welcome.
• Gain skills for U.S. jobs opportunities and learn to succeed in American culture
• Join ERC this semester to gain confidence in your path to employment readiness in the US or beyond!"
• Register in MyRED: as seats are limited!


Event Planning during COVID-19
Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, 3pm, via Zoom
• If your RSO, student group or department are thinking about hosting in-person events this semester, it’s important that you keep up with Directed Health Measures to help promote a safe environment and keep within university compliance.
• Join Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, TJ McDowell, each Wednesday at 3pm for a quick update on the latest policies and to get answers to your event planning questions in the age of COVID.
• Zoom available:


Agriculture and Food Major Virtual Career Fair
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 9am-3pm, Virtual
• Don’t miss out on your chance to attend the All Ag & Food Major Virtual Career Fair, hosted by It’s just like a career fair but you can attend from anywhere and you don’t have to dress up. Connect with employers in agriculture and food in a chat room format to ask questions and explore career opportunity
• Register here:

Valmont Industries
Wednesday, Feb. 3rd 11am-1pm, Virtual via Zoom
• At Valmont, we are committed to Conserving Resources. Improving Life®. You can see it in how our lighting and traffic structures guide the way. Our wireless communications towers help keep people connected. The electricity used in millions of homes and business around the world is delivered through our power utility structures. Our irrigation systems help ag producers grow the food that feeds the world. The coatings we offer add life and aesthetic value to metal products while helping to create a more sustainable future. When we say we build a more sustainable future, we’re not just talking about how our coatings help metal products last 100 years. From our Nebraska roots, Valmont has grown into one of Omaha’s premier global companies. With facilities around the world, opportunities to build a sustainable future are boundless.
• Learn more at
• Current opening: Corporate IT Intern,
• Join Virtual Employer in Residence via Zoom**:
• ** Zoom Instructions for Virtual Meeting: Students will be able to talk one on one with a representative. Once you click on the zoom link you will be entered into a waiting room. Once the employer host is ready they will admit you into the meeting.


Husker Suit-Up
Friday, Feb. 5th-Sunday Feb. 7th, Virtual
• The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and JCPenney are once again teaming up to help students build their professional wardrobe this time with an online option!
• The Husker Suit-Up online event goes on all weekend from Friday, February 5th-Sunday, February 7th. Save up to an extra 30% off select men’s & women’s career dress apparel, shoes, & accessories to build your professional wardrobe.
• To receive your Extra 30% off coupon, text HUSKERSUITUP to 67292 Coupon code can be used in-store or online.
• To shop online go to the special JCPenney Suit-Up site: and enter code at checkout to receive your discount. Online orders can be picked up in-store or delivered to your door. Coupon code will run until May 2nd, 2021.
• This online event is open to any UNL student, alumni, faculty & staff.

Career Fair From Home Prep Event
Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 10-11:30 am, CST (repeat event Wednesday, Feb. 10th 10-11:30am CST)
• The Career Fair From Home Prep Event is designed to help UNL students get ready to have the most successful virtual Career Fair experiences possible.
• Attend sessions focused on:
o Technical Steps, How-To’s, and Troubleshooting
o Setting Up Yourself and Your Space for Success in a Virtual Fair
o Preparing for a 1:1 session vs. a 30 minute group information session
o Finding Employers of Interest and Deciding the Days to Attend
• Zoom links and additional information here:

Career Fair Preparation Materials via Canvas
• Can’t attend the Career Fair From Home Prep Event or still have questions on how to prepare? View the open Canvas site for more information on how to navigate Handshake, set up your schedule to connect with employers/companies, preparing an elevator pitch/introduction, technology issues, etc.
• Link to Canvas site:

Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, 12-4pm, Career Pathway Focus: Science & Research, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Computer Science & Development, Math & Data Analytics, Marketing, Advertising, Sales & Service, Hospitality & Tourism
Wednesday, Feb. 24th, 12-4pm, Career Pathway Focus: Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing
Thursday, Feb. 25th, 12-4pm, Career Pathway Focus: Transportation & Logistics, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Nutrition, Finance, Accounting, Banking & Insurance
Friday, Feb. 26th, 12-4pm, Career Pathway Focus: Business, Management and Operations, Training, Government & Public Administration, Human Services & Non-profit, Law, Public Safety & Security, Health & Public Health
Student Registration opens Monday, Feb. 8th


Monday, Feb. 1st, CHQA Summer Internship Program: Information Session hosted by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, Investing in You! How to Stand Out on Handshake hosted by Target
Wednesday, Feb. 3rd & Feb. 4th, Scribe America Info Session
Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, Technical Interviewing Prep hosted by BNP Paribas
Thursday, Feb. 4th, Data Science Internship Information Session hosted by Capital One
Friday, Feb. 5th, Future Builder Fridays-Building a Personal Brand hosed by Amazon


Geological Survey - Hydrologist, Hydrologic Technician, and Hydrologic Technician

University of North Carolina Asheville - REU Program in Climate Science

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/ National Center for Atmospheric Research - SOARS Student Research Intern

University of Utah, Atmospheric Sciences - Research Experience in ALpine Meteorology (REALM)

University of South Alabama - Graduate Student - Research Assistantship

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Science Communication and Writing

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences - CIRES/NSIDC Technical Writer

Other Job and Internship Resources
US Government Jobs - USAJOBS
American Meteorological Society - Career Center Job Board
PennState Dept of Meteorology - All Job Listings
Oklahoma School of Meteorology - All Job Listings
The American Geophysical Union - AGU Pathfinder Career Center
The Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Job Board
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) - Opportunity Catalog