Meteorologist Position at Savannah River National Lab

Savannah River National Lab
Savannah River National Lab

Meteorologist Position at Savannah River National Lab

Senior Scientist, SRNL

Savannah River National Lab is seeking a BS/MS level Meteorologist to engage in meteorological related research, modeling, and analysis for atmospheric transport, contaminant fate, and data collection to characterize source emissions and develop novel techniques to improve reliability and understand prediction uncertainty. Scientists will team with other SRNL researchers on a variety of research projects, including participation in field experiments to improve emergency response, national security, and nuclear nonproliferation.

This position would be ideal for someone interested in boundary layer meteorology and transport and dispersion modeling, and/or field instrumentation.

Interested? Please visit Senior Scientist, SRNL for the job posting.

You can find more information about the Savannah National Lab here: and here: