Career Services is seeking student feedback about the virtual career fairs that occurred on February 23, 24, 25, and 26. If you participated in the virtual career fairs, please consider completing the University Career Fairs Student Survey.
Career Coaching
Want to explore careers of interest but not sure how to get started? Schedule an appointment with a Career Coach to talk about your interests, research careers, and find ways to get started in your exploration. Make an appointment on MyPLAN using the following link: Schedule here!
Women of Color in STEM
Tuesday, March 23rd, 5:30-6:30pm CST, via Zoom
• University Career Services in Collaboration with student leaders at the university invites students, faculty, staff, and alumni to attend a panel session and discussion about current issues facing women of color in STEM fields. The panelists & students will discuss their unique experiences as women in fields of study that are predominantly white and male.
• More on who will be on the panel here: https://careers.unl.edu/blog/2021/03/12/women-of-color-in-stem-career-panel/.
• Register to attend on Handshake: https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/707599.
Advocacy in the Workplace (First Gen Career Readiness Series)
Wednesday, March 24th, 3-4pm CST, via Zoom
• First-Gen students will learn about the concept of self-advocacy and identify ways in which they can advocate for themselves in the job. Whether you are just starting out or you are well into your career journey, it’s important to make sure your voice is heard so you can amplify your accomplishments and get the help you need to improve on your weaknesses.
• Zoom: https://unl.zoom.us/j/96707532072
• Meeting ID: 967 0753 2072
Conversations about Publishing presents Alice Tasman
Thursday, March 25th, 5pm CST, via Zoom
• In this new Department of English series on professionalization and publishing insiders (editors, agents, writers, teachers), join Creative Writing Director Timothy Schaffert in a discussion of the industry. In conversation about everything from the literary journal to the major commercial houses of New York, we’ll explore the various possibilities and opportunities when exploring a literary career.
• Alice Tasman has been an agent in New York City, with the Jean Naggar Literary Agency, since 1995. Focused primarily on literary fiction and memoir, Alice has brokered deals with all the major houses, including FSG, Knopf Doubleday, William Morrow, Simon & Schuster, and Penguin Random House.
• Zoom information: https://unl.zoom.us/j/94586472087
Career Meet-Up focused on Human Services, Nonprofit & Social Justice
Wednesday, March 31st, 5:30-6:30pm CST, via Zoom
• A Meet Up is a more relaxed, low-pressure way to connect and learn from professionals in fields of interest. From this Meet Up you will gain insight and ideas about how to better prepare for the field while making valuable connections.
• This Meet Up will have professionals from Human Services, Nonprofit, and Social Justice pathways.
• Review the bios from each professional at the link below and come up with questions to ask during the Meet Up. Dress code is casual.
• https://go.unl.edu/careermeetup
Event Planning during COVID-19
Wednesday, March 24th, 3pm CST, via Zoom
• If your RSO, student group or department are thinking about hosting in-person events this semester, it’s important that you keep up with Directed Health Measures to help promote a safe environment and keep within university compliance.
• Join Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, TJ McDowell, each Wednesday at 3pm for a quick update on the latest policies and to get answers to your event planning questions in the age of COVID.
• Zoom available: https://go.unl.edu/eventplanning
Huskers Abroad 101
Tuesday, March 23rd, 10:30am CST
Wednesday, March 24th, 4:30pm CST
Thursday, March 25th, 2pm CST
• Attend a Huskers Abroad 101 session to take the first step toward going abroad. This session will cover researching program options, selecting a program, funding and the timeline for the process.
• Virtual sessions are held every week on Tuesday at 10:30am, Wednesday at 4:30pm, and Thursday at 2:00pm.
• Pre-registration is required. Once registered, a Zoom link will be emailed to your Huskers email account.
o Register at: https://go.unl.edu/huskersabroad101
Summer Opportunity - Husker After-school and Summer Learning Opportunities
• This opportunity allows you to spend the summer gaining valuable career experience while giving back to youth across Nebraska.
• Beginning April 1, you can apply to be part of the Huskers After-School and Summer Learning Opportunities program, in which participants will lead children in grades K-12 in after-school clubs and summer activities both online and in-person.
• The program is accepting 100 students from all areas of study. There is no current deadline for applications.
• https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/100-huskers-sought-to-lead-k-12-after-school-summer-experiences/
• Apply here: https://honors.unl.edu/haslo
Open Student Representative Spots for Campus Recreation Advisory Council
• Students who are interested in working alongside other individuals as advocates for student well-being on campus and for the chance to impact new programming are encouraged to apply to the Campus Recreation Advisory Council (CRAC) for the 2021–22 academic year.
• Details about this opportunity and how to apply can be found at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/student-spots-open-campus-recs-2021-22-advisory-council.
Registration Open for Student Research Days
April 12th-16th (Must register by April 5th)
• The annual fair showcases research and creative accomplishments by graduate and undergraduate students at the university. In lieu of a traditional poster session and creative exhibition, undergraduate and graduate students are invited to develop a 5-8 minute video presentation to share through the dedicated Nebraska Research Days MediaHub channel.
• The video presentations will allow participants to share their results with a worldwide audience. Guidelines for creating and uploading the research video are on the Nebraska Research Days website.
• Each day will feature separate disciplines:
o April 12 — Arts and Humanities
o April 13 —Social Sciences
o April 14 — Life Sciences
o April 15 — Physical Sciences
Applying to Law Schools 101 - via Zoom
Thursday, Mar. 25, 4-5 p.m. CST, Zoom link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/95749842174
• Learn about the application process for law school and how to prepare to submit your best application. We will cover topics like the timeline for applying, researching law schools, the components of the application (LSAT, personal statement, etc.), and more.
Practice LSATs - in person
Saturday, Mar. 27th, 8:45am-12:00pm, Louise Pound Hall Room 27
• Sign up to take a full-length practice LSAT exam under timed conditions. This practice exam will help you gauge your progress in studying to take a real LSAT.
• This practice exam will be in paper and pencil format, and not a digital format like the official LSAT exams.
• We recommend taking as many practice LSAT exams as possible.
• Register here: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu/
Social Security Administration
Tuesday, March 23rd, 11am-1pm via Zoom
• Social Security has provided financial protection for our nation's people for over 80 years. Chances are, you either receive Social Security benefits or know someone who does. With retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, Social Security is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs in our nation's history. We are passionate about supporting our customers by delivering financial support, providing superior customer service, and ensuring the safety and security of your information — helping you secure today and tomorrow.
• Join Virtual Employer in Residence via Zoom**: https://go.unl.edu/employerinresidencezoom
• ** Zoom Instructions for Virtual Meeting: Students will be able to talk one on one with a representative. Once you click on the zoom link you will be entered into a waiting room. Once the employer host is ready they will admit you into the meeting.
Tuesday, March 23rd, KansasWorks Virtual Statewide Job Fair
• https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/516145
Wednesday, March 24th, Moody’s Workshop: Navigating the Recruitment Process-Interview Tips hosted by Moody’s Corporation
• https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/696574
Wednesday, March 24th, Classical Charter Schools Information Session: Psychology Majors
• https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/718750
Wednesday, March 24th, U.S. College Conference Series: The Big 10 at Harvard Business School (HBS)
• https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/669511
Thursday, March 25th, Charles River Laboratories Virtual Career Fair
• https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/720190
Friday, March 26th, Gain Clinical Experience with ScribeAmerica!
• https://unl.joinhandshake.com/events/720155
Cranbrook Educational Community - Director of STEM Day Camp
Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies - Underwriter Trainee
Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. - GIS Technician-530
Geological Survey - Hydrologic Technician (Michigan) and Hydrologic Technician (New York)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Sacramento District - Engineering Division - Hydrology and Hydraulics Branch - Interdisciplinary
U.S. Department of Defense - Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory - 2021 Spring/Summer Intern Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Environmental Science Liaison
CIRES/ NSIDC Navigating the New Arctic Community Office - Program Manager
Summer Data Collection Positions with the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR)
The Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) has a new project coming up that involves the distribution of surveys and collection of contact information at various state park areas across the State of Nebraska and is in need of data collection help from May 2021 through the beginning of August 2021. We are estimating we would need each data collector to collect data three times during this timeframe. Data collection needs to happen on Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday. This means each data collector would need to collect data during three weekends from May through August. Each weekend will consist of collecting data on two days (i.e., a Friday and Saturday or a Saturday and Sunday), and each day would consist of an 8-hour day of collecting data (with breaks incorporated). We can also work to assign you to sites based on your availability and location of the park. We would do one-time payments that would include meal costs, travel expenses, data collection time, etc. There will also be training this Spring, along with COVID-19 safety procedures in place to make sure everyone stays safe while collecting these data.
Interested? Please contact Kim Meiergerd at kmeiergerd2@unl.edu or 402.472.3692.
Other Job and Internship Resources
US Government Jobs - USAJOBS
American Meteorological Society - Career Center Job Board
PennState Dept of Meteorology - All Job Listings
Oklahoma School of Meteorology - All Job Listings
The American Geophysical Union - AGU Pathfinder Career Center
The Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Job Board
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) - Opportunity Catalog