UNL AMS Chapter Officer Nominations and Election
UNL American Meteorological Society Chapter is currently accepting nominations at this email address (unl.ams.meteorology@gmail.com) for the positions of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, public relations coordinator, and public outreach event coordinator, and will be accepting nominations until Tuesday, April 13th.
On April 13th, UNL AMS Chapter will be holding an in-person vote at their meeting at 6:30 PM in Hamilton 110, and anyone who has come to a prior meeting will receive a ballot.
Criteria for each position include having paid member dues, having come to at least one AMS meeting this academic year, and being an enrolled student (grad or undergrad) at UNL for the 2021-2022 academic year. People are allowed to nominate themselves.
More information about the UNL AMS Chapter can be found here: https://ams.unl.edu/ams.
Questions? Please contact unl.ams.meteorology@gmail.com.