METR 483/883: Global Climate Change for Spring 2022!

METR 483/883: Global Climate Change for Spring 2022!
METR 483/883: Global Climate Change for Spring 2022!

METR 483/883: Global Climate Change for Spring 2022

For the first time in a while, Professor Hu is going to teach the METR 483: Global Climate Change course on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday at 9:30-10:20 am in 109 Bessey Hall.

You will learn about:
• the major physical principles governing the energy and water cycles in the Earth-atmosphere system and the circulation of the atmosphere,
• a brief history of the observed evolution of the Earth’s climate,
• examples of interactions and feedbacks of different components in the climate system and their roles in climate variation, and
• human impacts on the Earth’s climate.

You will gain an understanding of:
• why the Earth’s climate has changed over time, and
• how changes in anthropogenic and natural forces will affect the Earth’s climate in the future.

The prerequisites for this course are junior standing and METR 205 (or permission), which is an update from those listed on the Undergraduate Catalog. Unfortunately, the course prerequisites have not be updated in MyRed yet, so you will need a permission code to enroll in METR 483 unless you have previously completed METR 475. Please contact Professor Hu for a permission code.

Questions? Please contact Professor Hu at