Fall 2022 Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science Courses

Fall 2022 Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science Courses
Fall 2022 Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science Courses

Fall 2022 Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science Courses

Interested in Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science along with your major in Geology or Meteorology-Climatology? The School of Natural Resources plans to offer several courses that will allow you to explore this interest.

NRES 208: Climate Literacy in Natural Resources - Dr. George Limpert
3 credits - MWF 9:30 - 10:20am
Develop an understanding of the science of the climate system and its influence on our environment. Learn about climate interactions and the impacts of changing climate conditions. This course is required by the Applied Climate Science (ACS) minor and is a good entry-level course into the ACS major.

NRES 218: Introduction to Spatial Sciences - Dr. Yi Qi
3 credits - MW 1 - 1:50 pm (+labs)
Overview of digital technology and concepts in spatial sciences. Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing, geographic position systems and other spatial technology. NRES 218 is a required course for the Precision Agriculture minor and an option for the ACS major.

NRES 370: Applied Climatology - Dr. Michael Hayes (also METR 370, which would count toward the 12 hours of Meteorology-Climatology courses beyond the core)
3 credits - MWF 11 - 11:50 am
Students explore different climate tools, products, and strategies of climate analysis for potential stakeholder decision-making. NRES 370 is a required course for the ACS major and minor.

NRES 408: Microclimate: the Biological Environment - Dr. Andy Suyker/Dr. Rezaul Mahmood (also METR 408, which would count toward the 12 hours of Meteorology-Climatology courses beyond the core)
3 credits - MWF 10 - 10:50 am
Introduction to environmental and biophysical factors that regulate the exchange of mass and energy (solar radiation, sensible heat, evapotranspiration and carbon) at the earth’s surface. NRES 408 is required for the ACS major and an option for the ACS minor.

NRES 415: GIS for Agriculture and Natural Resources - Dr. Yi Qi
4 credits - TR 12:30 - 1:45 pm (+labs)
Principles of digitizing earth observations. Manipulate spatial data, create maps, and conduct spatial analyses using GIS to analyze and solve real-world questions. NRES 418 is a required course for the Precision Agriculture minor and a possible option for the ACS major.

NRES 418: Introduction to Remote Sensing - Dr. Brian Wardlow (also GEOG 418, which could be used as a CDR D/CDR Social Sciences course)
4 credits - TR 9:30 - 10:45 am (+labs)
Introduction to remote sensing of the earth from aerial and satellite platforms, the physical foundations using electromagnetic energy, techniques employed in data acquisition, and image analysis. NRES 418 is a required course for the Precision Agriculture minor and an option for the ACS major.

NRES 469: Bio-Atmospheric Instrumentation - Dr. Andy Suyker (also METR 469, which would count toward the 12 hours of Meteorology-Climatology courses beyond the core)
3 credits - TR 2:00 - 3:15pm (+labs)
Principles and practices of measuring meteorological and related variables near the earth's surface including temperature, humidity, precipitation, pressure, radiation and wind. NRES 469 is required for the ACS major and an option for the ACS minor.