PICASSO REU - Summer Paid Internship at the University of Michigan
The University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering (CLASP) is currently seeking a highly motivated, diverse, and inclusive cohort of undergraduate students to participate in its summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site program entitled: Program in Climate and Space Science Observation (PICASSO). This REU program is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, and is open to rising-sophomores, rising juniors, and rising-seniors from any academic discipline who are interested in exploring a potential career in the STEM fields of meteorology, climate, and space sciences. Applicants must be either a U.S. Citizen or permanent legal resident.
As part of the PICASSO program, student participants will engage in the following activities while on campus:
• A mentored-guided research project, the goals of which will be designed with the participation of the students themselves
• Peer-mentoring performed by the department’s graduate students/postdoctoral fellows
• A professional development seminar series (responsible research conduct, technical communication, resume preparation, imposter syndrome, and navigating the graduate application process, among other topics)
• Community-building activities, including community service, which will strengthen their relationships within the REU student cohort
• An end-of-program poster fair in which students will present their work to CLASP Department faculty, staff, and students
Participating students will receive a $6000 stipend. In addition, the following costs will be covered as part of our program: (1) travel to/from Ann Arbor, (2) room and board during the program, and (3) costs associated with the registration, room and board, and travel for the student’s attendance at a professional conference (AMS, AGU, etc.).
Our application deadline is January 31, 2023.
For more information, students should visit our website at the following location.
Examples of past PICASSO projects can be found on my personal page at the following location.