2023 Central Iowa National Weather Association Scholarships

2023 Central Iowa National Weather Association Scholarships
2023 Central Iowa National Weather Association Scholarships

2023 Central Iowa National Weather Association Scholarships

The Central Iowa National Weather Association is offering the Tim Samaras Memorial Scholarship and the Pam Daale Memorial Scholarship again for 2023. The Tim Samaras Memorial Scholarship is for students who are pursuing a career in research meteorology. The Pam Daale Memorial Scholarship is focused on students pursuing careers in broadcast or operational meteorology. The award for each scholarship will be $1500. More information and the application form can be found in the links below:

Pam Daale Scholarship
Tim Samaras Scholarship

Questions? Any questions can be sent to Michael Fowle at michael.fowle@noaa.gov.

Additionally, the Central Iowa Chapter of the National Weather Association is hosting the 25th Annual Severe Storms and Doppler Radar Conference from March 23-25, 2023 in Ankeny, Iowa. For more information on the conference, please see the conference website - HERE.