Meteorology-Climatology Student Spotlight
Name: Anna James
Major: Meteorology-Climatology
Year in School: Sophomore
Where are you from?
I’m from Overland Park, Kansas which is right outside of Kansas City, MO.
What gets you excited about Meteorology-Climatology?
I’ve always thought weather was super interesting, and I love discovering all the mathematical components behind what causes weather to behave the way it does.
Favorite Meteorology-Climatology class or instructor so far? Why?
I really enjoyed taking METR153 with Dr. Kopacz last spring. The whole class was devoted to learning the programming language MATLAB and utilizing that language in the context of meteorology. I loved learning a new programming language and being able to compile everything I learned into a final project that I’m really proud of.
What are you excited about doing after graduation?
Although I don't know exactly what job I want to have yet, I’m really looking forward to being able to put all the skills I’ve learned to use in the real world. I’m very excited to continue exploring my different career options and figuring out what the best fit is for me.
What is a goal you have accomplished as a Husker?
My biggest goal coming into college was to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I think I’ve accomplished that by getting involved in new clubs that I never thought I’d be a part of, such as climbing club, and seeking out new opportunities even if I was a little nervous to do so.
What do you wish you would have known when you started as a Meteorology-Climatology Major that you know now?
I wish I had initially gotten more involved in AMS (American Meteorological Society) here on campus my freshman year. Meteorology is a pretty small major, so it’s been super useful this year to feel more connected with everyone who’s in the same boat as I am. Definitely make an effort to reach out to and get to know as many people in your major as you can!
What do you hope to cross off your “bucket list” in the next few years?
Besides the more obvious answer of graduating college, I would really love to take a trip to the southwest and hike through Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park.
If you would like to see yourself in the spotlight, please contact Doug for more information.