Summer 2024 Nebraska Athletics Tutoring Opportunities
Are you a student who is looking for a summer job? The Nebraska Athletic department is seeking undergraduate tutors (sophomore or above) or graduate students to tutor the following subject areas:
BIOS 213: Human Physiology
BIOC 431: Biochemistry I: Structure and Metabolism
CHEM 109A: General Chemistry I
CHEM 131/FDST 131/NUTR 131: The Science of Food
ECON 200: Economic Essentials and Issues
ECON 211: Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 212: Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 215: Statistics
MATH 101: College Algebra
MATH 102: Trigonometry
MATH 104: Applied Calculus
MATH 106: Calculus I
MATH 208: Calculus III
MATH 221: Differential Equations
MATH 314: Linear Algebra
PSYC 263: Introduction to Cognitive Processes
PSYC 273: Brain & Behavior
PHYS 141: Elementary General Physics I
PHYS 211: General Physics I
SPAN 101: Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 201: Second-Year Spanish I
SPAN 210: Accelerated Second-Year Spanish
STAT 218: Introduction to Statistics (we currently have 34 students enrolled in this course)
Our pay is $15/hr., and we offer flexible scheduling. Students who are interested may click on the link below to complete the application, or they may email Kim Schellpeper (kschellpeper@huskers.com) or Claire Anderson (Claire.anderson@huskers.com).