BHECN is hosting a virtual conference for Nebraska college
students, graduates and undergraduates, interested in exploring
behavioral health careers.
Join us to hear inspirational stories, learn wellness techniques,
and along the way, we’ll hand out a few door prize drawings for
$50 Amazon® gift cards!
The Kaufmans:
Ryan and Emily Kaufman have been on quite a life journey. They will share
their life lessons and why it’s essential to seek help for mental health issues
and learn techniques for developing personal wellness and resiliency. The
Kaufmans will also host a room for the Meet & Mingle.
Katrina M. Cordts, PhD:
Dr. Cordts is an assistant professor of psychiatry and serves as the director
of wellness and research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
(UNMC). Dr. Cordts will be defining wellness and resilience in her session
titled, Finding Your Balance: How to Thrive in the Face of Life’s Stressors.
Dr. Cordts will also host a room for the Meet & Mingle!
Virtual Meet & Mingle:
(Must attend the webinar to get the separate link!)
Visit the breakout rooms to meet behavioral health professionals and
trainees and learn more about behavioral health careers. See the agenda on
the back for details.
The names for DOOR PRIZES will be drawn throughout both sessions,
and you must be present when your name is called to receive a prize!
Registration is FREE
After registering online, you will
receive a unique link to join the
webinar in a confirmation email
The last day to register is
Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
LIVE Online via GoToWebinar
Followed by a Meet & Mingle
on Zoom. You must be present
at the GoToWebinar conference
to receive the Zoom link for the
Meet & Mingle!
Questions: email Ann Kraft
Building Bridges for Your Career:
From Surviving to Thriving in 2021
Friday, April 23, 2021
1 - 4 p.m. (CDT)
Register Online at:
More details at: