Explore Career Pathways in the Microbial Sciences
There are many career options available with a degree in microbiology, from industry to consulting, to working in non-profits. Do you know what career options are available to you?
"Career Pathways in Microbiology," a 3-part webinar series, consists of virtual career panels focused on government, foundation/non-profit and industry/biotechnology sectors. These sessions are for students, postdocs and anyone else who is interested in learning about where a degree in science can take you.
Join us for live 1.5 hour career panels, featuring 2-3 panelists who have various job functions in government, foundation/non-profit and industry/biotechnology. The career panel will explore the available roles, necessary experience and skills needed to enter the field.
Tuesday, July 26, 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET | Career Pathways in Government
Tuesday, August 2, 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET | Career Pathways at a Foundation/Nonprofit
Tuesday, August 9, 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET | Career Pathways in Industry/Biotechnology
Learning Goals
Explore the variety of careers in the microbial sciences outside of academia.
Learn key skills and experiences needed to enter the occupation.
Connect with mentors in different microbial science careers.
Understand how to identify which career paths are more suitable for an individual.
Learn high-level approaches to applying for a job in the microbial sciences.
Live, 1.5 hour event featuring 2-3 panelists from government, foundation/non-profit and industry/biotechnology followed by open Q&A for the remainder of the session.
Attendees will receive a link to the recording after the live event.
This series of webinars is open to students, postdocs, early-career scientists and educators who are interested in career options available for themselves or their students.
Registration Details
Deadline to register is July 26, 2022.
ASM Members: FREE.
Non-Members: $25/session.
More details at: https://asm.org/Webinars/Career-Hangouts