Internship Opportunity
Commercialization Analyst
Contact Julie Brunkow with any questions.
Commercialization Analyst
Contact Julie Brunkow with any questions.
POP in to the UNL Microbiology Office for POP and POPCORN. We want to welcome our Microbiology Students back for the Spring Semester. Mark your calendars to POP in on January 27, 2023 from 1:00 - 4:00pm, E249A Beadle Center.
We look forward to sharing part of an afternoon with you!
The Student Research Days poster sessions provide an opportunity for students to present their research or creative work to the larger UNL community.
Engineering and physical sciences presentations
Wednesday, March 29 @ 10:00am – 12:00pm CT
Arts and humanities, education, business, social sciences, and life sciences presentations Continue reading…
Present your research at the annual meeting of Nebraska Academy of Sciences!
When: APRIL 21st, 2023
Who: All Earth Scientists. STUDENTS are particularly encouraged to apply
What: original research or synthesis of primary research/literature Continue reading…
Please select your desired performances from the link below. Once your tickets have been added to your cart, you will be asked to provide your NUID # to validate your student status. UNL students can order up to 2 FREE tickets per NUID # to each performance thru May 3.
More details at: https://tickets.liedcenter.org/events?promoApplied=true&queueittoken=e_safetynet21~q_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000~ts_1678209125~ce_true~rt_disabled~h_0bb7ef9031948757e85f1c29f8e82a39214af34599b0cff3531f07751936ce70
Winter break is a great time to work on applications to special summer programs like the Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP). It has been a wonderful pre-health experience for attendees.
The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free six-week summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for college freshmen and sophomores interested in the health professions. Continue reading…
Students who receive UCARE awards take advantage of a variety of professional development workshops and seminars, increase knowledge of graduate study and career paths, learn about fellowship opportunities for further research and study, and present work at Student Research Days in spring term or the Summer Research Symposium. Continue reading…
Learning Communities is hiring peer mentors for the 2023-2024 school year. If you have any students who sound like they would be a good fit for this role and/or are looking for an on-campus job that has flexible scheduling and provides opportunities to develop transferable skills. Continue reading…
More details at: https://unl.erezlife.com
Job Opportunity
The School of Biological Sciences welcomes applications from undergraduates to assist in the Microbiology teaching labs. We are currently accepting applications for the BIOS111L and BIOS314 labs for the Spring, 2023, semester. Continue reading…
Current students who would like to be considered for scholarships may visit https://financialaid.unl.edu/scholarships to find out more. The instructions to access the single scholarship application are found under the header “Scholarships for Current Undergraduates”, and students find this application under the Financial Aid tab in MyRed. The deadline for the single scholarship application is February 1, 2023.
More details at: https://financialaid.unl.edu/scholarships
AMCAS Application Info Session - May 2, 4 - 6pm, Love Library South 221
(In Person) St. George’s Medical School – Wednesday May 3, 1-4pm
Sign up to meet with a Professional School Visitor: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu
More information on Professional School Visits: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu/lib/documents/ProfessionalSchoolVisitGuide.pdf
Whether you’re celebrating in Lincoln, Nebraska or Lincoln, England, share your congratulations for our Husker grads!
More details at: https://commencement.unl.edu/gobiggrad-map
I serve as an Academic Advisor within the College of Arts and Science. My role includes one-on-one advising, academic recovery planning, graduation planning, connecting students to campus and community resources, and supporting student success.
To make an appointment with me, please log into Student Success Hub and find my appointment page or schedule an appointment using this link: https://unlincoln.force.com/SSH/0058W00000BUU6o. You may also reach me via email, lgallagher3@unl.edu, or by phone at 402-472-4190.My drop-in hours via Zoom are on Wednesdays 10am-12pm and Fridays 1pm-3pm https://cas.unl.edu/drop-in-advising-schedule
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