UNL Microbiology MARVEL Workshop
Register Today!
More details at: https://microbiology.unl.edu/2023-marvel-workshopRegister Today!
More details at: https://microbiology.unl.edu/2023-marvel-workshop
These workshops are aimed at teaching Undergraduate students basic lab techniques that we use in research labs, i.e. using multi-channel pipettes, making stock solutions, using a pH meter, etc. November 7th - Small lab machines
Workshop Time:
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Workshop Location:
Beadle E121.1
Staska Pharmaceuticals is offering a part time position which may lead to a full time position. Duties such as: Environmental Monitoring, Personnel Monitoring, Raw Material Microbial Testing, and more! Continue reading…
More details at: http://c.mach@staskapharma.com
Extra opportunities to get help planning next semester's classes. No appointment necessary!
Nov 7 in 107 Oldfather Hall from 5 - 7pm
The Undergraduate Student Research Program gives students the opportunity to conduct research under the direction of faculty with Agricultural Research Division (ARD) appointment. It is open to junior and senior undergraduates proposing to work with a faculty member who has an ARD appointment. Continue reading…
More details at: https://ard.unl.edu/ianr-ard-undergraduate-student-research-program/The CASNR Student Advisory Board serves the College by bringing together students, staff, and faculty around college initiatives, advocating for students, and acting as a liaison between students and the College administration. Continue reading…
More details at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYHMe9ycLxcueU7Mplz629wwF0EWLYQodI6Hco1ElGssbnyg/viewformPer the CDC, 70% of medical decisions are made based on laboratory test results, but just who performs these foundational tests? Medical Laboratory Scientists (MLS) work with incredible biomedical machinery and hands-on scientific techniques to find the numbers that save lives. Join us for an introduction to this highly in-demand career and a look into one of its specializations, Immunohematology, where YOU are the MLS Blood Banker typing YOUR blood! Continue reading…
More details at: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=rQHb_YNJbkOrNRrwQ7gYyT-r6uJK20FIruecmknAuU5UMlEzNzdUTFU4VExNVEtPMkNDVFlORTNCMS4u&web=1&wdLOR=cB4C40E14-621E-4328-88BB-805BD80AC696
The NIH INBRE program is now accepting student applications (see attached). INBRE is a statewide program that provides two years of research support ($18,500) for students interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences.
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I serve as an Academic Advisor within the College of Arts and Science. My role includes one-on-one advising, academic recovery planning, graduation planning, connecting students to campus and community resources, and supporting student success. Continue reading for my drop-in hours and contact info. Continue reading…
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