Micro Zone - CAS

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Symposium 2023.PNG

3rd Annual UNL Microbiology Research Symposium


Are you involved in Microbiology research? Share your findings by presenting a poster at the UNL Microbiology Research Symposium on December 1! Even if you're not currently conducting research, you're invited to attend the symposium to explore the vast field of Microbiology, network with fellow students, faculty, and staff, and grab some fantastic Microbiology swag!

POSTER PRESENTERS: Submit your poster title and full author list ASAP. EXTENDED TO NOV 29th!!

More details at: https://microbiology.unl.edu/2023-unl-microbiology-research-symposium

Come Celebrate With Us!

We're celebrating our Microbiology 2023 Fall Graduates and the end of the 2023 Fall Semester. We want you to celebrate with us! Thursday, December 7th from 3:30 - 5pm in E249A Beadle. Bring a friend!!

More details at: https://microbiology.unl.edu/

Discover the Dynamic Field of Medical Laboratory Science

Per the CDC, 70% of medical decisions are made based on laboratory test results, but just who performs these foundational tests? Medical Laboratory Scientists (MLS) work with incredible biomedical machinery and hands-on scientific techniques to find the numbers that save lives. Join us for an introduction to this highly in-demand career and a look into one of its specializations, Immunohematology, where YOU are the MLS Blood Banker typing YOUR blood! Continue reading…

More details at: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=rQHb_YNJbkOrNRrwQ7gYyT-r6uJK20FIruecmknAuU5UMlEzNzdUTFU4VExNVEtPMkNDVFlORTNCMS4u&web=1&wdLOR=cB4C40E14-621E-4328-88BB-805BD80AC696

NCESR 2024 Summer Internships

The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) is taking applications for the 2024 Summer Internships for undergraduates in energy sciences research. The eight internships are made possible through NCESR with support from the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD). Continue reading…

More details at: https://ncesr.unl.edu/

Leslie Gallagher, CAS Advisor

2022 - CAS - Leslie Gallagher -  2022_12_07--10_07_34--182056001829--1216 Mug.jpgI serve as an Academic Advisor within the College of Arts and Science. My role includes one-on-one advising, academic recovery planning, graduation planning, connecting students to campus and community resources, and supporting student success. Continue reading for my drop-in hours and contact info. Continue reading…

More details at: https://lgallagher3@unl.edu
Originally published November 28, 2023 - Submit an Item