Micro Zone - CAS

Handle Your Stress - More Lights, Skip the Alcohol!

Tower Square Lights.PNGWith papers, projects, exams, and holiday activities, it’s common to experience a rapid elevation in stress levels. Study the following tips to help you manage the upcoming weeks. Outdoor holiday light displays are a mainstay of the winter season. The twinkling lights and lawn decorations can entertain from the comfort of a vehicle or in the brisk outside air. Read through our compiled list of the best sites around Lincoln for a variety of displays and themes.

More details at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/places-see-wonderful-holiday-lights-lincoln-and-nearby

Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

Please join Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) staff as we host an informational application webinar at 2:00 p.m. CT on Thursday, December 7. This one-hour-max Zoom session will provide an overview of the program and guidance for applying, and it will serve as a forum to ask related questions in a live Q&A format. Continue reading…

More details at: https://krellinst-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/8217013630428/WN_qjH9F0tYQWO2sLNfhsicAQ#/registration

NCESR 2024 Summer Internships

The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) is taking applications for the 2024 Summer Internships for undergraduates in energy sciences research. The eight internships are made possible through NCESR with support from the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD). Continue reading…

More details at: https://ncesr.unl.edu/

Leslie Gallagher, CAS Advisor

2022 - CAS - Leslie Gallagher -  2022_12_07--10_07_34--182056001829--1216 Mug.jpgI serve as an Academic Advisor within the College of Arts and Science. My role includes one-on-one advising, academic recovery planning, graduation planning, connecting students to campus and community resources, and supporting student success. Continue reading for my drop-in hours and contact info. Continue reading…

More details at: https://lgallagher3@unl.edu
Originally published December 5, 2023 - Submit an Item