Micro Zone - CAS

Trey Lamkins.PNG
Trey Lamkins.PNG

TACKLE Cancer - Husker Cancer Support

The event, titled "Husker Cancer Support," aims to provide a platform for students, faculty, and staff to come together to acknowledge the impact of cancer within our community. This year will be the second time this event has occurred, last year being the first. Husker Cancer Support will feature guest speaker(s), an activity, and the opportunity for small group discussions centered around the theme "Huskers TACKLE cancer with Trust, Action, Confidence, Knowledge, Love & Empathy." Continue reading…

More details at: https://tlamkins3@unl.edu

Become a Peer Mentor

Capture.JPGA Peer Mentor is an upper-division student, which is someone beyond their first-year at UNL, who is in the same major, college, pre-professional path, and/or someone who shares a similar identity or interest as their first-year mentees! Applications Due February 18th!

More details at: https://learncom.unl.edu/become-peer-mentor

NCESR 2024 Summer Internships

The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) is taking applications for the 2024 Summer Internships for undergraduates in energy sciences research. The eight internships are made possible through NCESR with support from the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD). Continue reading…

More details at: https://ncesr.unl.edu/
Originally published February 13, 2024 - Submit an Item