Micro Zone - CAS

TACKLE Cancer - Husker Cancer Support

Trey Lamkins.PNGThe event, titled "Husker Cancer Support," aims to provide a platform for students, faculty, and staff to come together to acknowledge the impact of cancer within our community. This year will be the second time this event has occurred, last year being the first. Husker Cancer Support will feature guest speaker(s), an activity, and the opportunity for small group discussions centered around the theme "Huskers TACKLE cancer with Trust, Action, Confidence, Knowledge, Love & Empathy." Continue reading…

More details at: https://tlamkins3@unl.edu

NASA Nebraska Space Grant

NASA Grant.PNGWe are pleased to announce that the NASA Nebraska Space Grant annual competition for Mini-Grant and Fellowship funding is open. The deadline for applications is May 20, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. The NASA Nebraska Space Grant Mini-Grant Competition includes grants for Research and Higher Education. Meanwhile, the Fellowship Competition is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Contact Dr. Karrie Weber kweber@unl.edu or Dr. Brandi Sigmon bsigmon2@unl.edu for more info. Continue reading…

More details at: http://ne.spacegrant.org

Lab Prep Worker

Job Opportunity
The School of Biological Sciences welcomes applications from undergraduates to assist in the Microbiology teaching labs. We are currently accepting applications for the Lab Prep Worker position for the Fall 2024 semester. Continue reading…

More details at: https://jwright5@unl.edu

Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunity

Our laboratory is currently seeking a highly motivated undergraduate student to join our research project focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms governing plant immunity. This project involves study of targeting components of the plant endosomal sorting complex required for transportation (ESCRT)-I by ubiquitination to better understand their role in regulating plant defense against bacterial infection. Continue reading…

More details at: https://lzeng3@unl.edu
Originally published April 23, 2024 - Submit an Item