Academic Advising Updates

Sydney Webb
Sydney Webb


Each newsletter I will be sharing tips, campus resources, and skills that can help you personally, academically, and professionally. This newsletter’s highlight is mental health!

Check in with yourself—How are you doing? How is your mental health right now? What needs could use some extra attention today? Consider joining a mental health-focused event, like Fresh Check Day with Big Red Resilience and Well-Being, a drop-in group session on Stress Management with CAPS, or a Zoom session with mental health advocate Demetrius Harmon offered by UPC Nebraska. Get outside and enjoy the nice weather in the next few days before the temperature drops!

If you're struggling and don't know where to go, what to do, or who to talk to, you can talk to me. I'm happy to connect you with resources you need.


Registration for Summer classes is open!

There have been updates to the timeline related to Priority Registration:
-March 22: Fall classes will be published to students
-April 5-20: Priority Registration – When we get closer to priority registration, you’ll be able to find your personal date/time that enrollment will open in your MyRED message center!


*March 1 – May 16: Open Registration for Summer Sessions 2021
*March 26: Last day to change a full semester course registration to or from “Pass/No Pass”
*April 5 – April 20: Priority Registration for Fall Semester 2021
*April 16: Last day to withdraw from one or more full semester courses for the term

The Academic Calendar has all the dates you should know about for the whole academic year! You can find it here: