Nebraska's Peace Corps Prep - Attend the Launch!

Nebraska's Peace Corps Prep - Attend the Launch!
Nebraska's Peace Corps Prep - Attend the Launch!

We are so excited to announce the launch of Nebraska’s Peace Corps Prep undergraduate certificate program. Created in collaboration with Peace Corps, the “PC Prep” program will allow participating students to integrate coursework with hands-on experience and professional development for a career in international development and Peace Corps service. Students build four core competencies: sector-specific skills (Education, Health, Environment, Agriculture, Youth in Development, or Community Economic Development), foreign language proficiency, intercultural competence, and professional savvy and leadership.

All UNL academic advisors and undergraduate students are invited to attend the launch on Tuesday, September 28th, 4:00-6:00PM (note that both indoor and outdoor space will be utilized during the event).

Please RSVP at

More details at: