Week 8 Modern Languages Newsletter

CAS Career Coaching Updates

CAS Career Coaches Meagan and KristenOur CAS Career Coaches Meagan, Kristen, and Joanna want to help you set yourself up for career success! Check out these upcoming events and opportunities to enhance your career development.

Continue reading for more info about job postings and career-related events and opportunities! Continue reading…

Prayer of Peace: Relief & Resistance in Burma's War Zones
Prayer of Peace: Relief & Resistance in Burma's War Zones

Prayer of Peace: Relief & Resistance in Burma's War Zones

DMLL invites you to the upcoming film event, Prayer of Peace: Relief & Resistance in Burma's War Zones! Join us for a documentary screening + Q&A with community members from Myanmar.

*Free pizza will be served*

October 13, 2021 from 5:30-7:30pm
302 Burnett Hall


Spring 2022 German Course Lineup

Spring 2022 German Course LineupCheck out all of the German courses we'll be offering in Spring 2022!

GERM 101, 102, 201, 202
GERM 204: Communication and Composition
GERM 302: Contemporary German Culture: Film, Literature, Theater
GERM 403: Advanced Syntax and Stylistics in German
GERM 450: Survey of 19th c German Lit II


Spring 2022 Russian Course Lineup

Spring 2022 Russian Course LineupCheck out all of the Russian courses we're offering in Spring 2022!

RUSS 101 **online**
RUSS 102: Beginning Russian II
RUSS 202: 2nd Year Russian II
RUSS 203: Russian in Pop Culture **online**
RUSS 304: Advanced Comp, Convo, Grammar, and Syntax
RUSS 408: Russian in Mass and Social Media **online**


SPAN 220: Spanish for Health and Medicine

SPAN 220: Spanish for Health and MedicineThis unique, immersive Spanish course will give you a comprehensive understanding of cultures and how they influence health-related decisions and communication in health contexts.

SPAN 220: Spanish for Health and Medicine (6 cr)
MWF 11:30-12:20, TR 11:00-12:15
Prof. Yoanna Esquivel Greenwood Continue reading…


Spring 2022 Arabic Course Lineup

Spring 2022 Arabic Course LineupCheck out all of the Arabic Courses we'll be offering in Spring 2022!

ARAB 102: Beginning Arabic II **online, 5 cr**
ARAB 202: 2nd year Arabic II
ARAB 304: Advanced Comp, Grammar, & Convo II
ARAB 306: Women in Quran **taught in English**
ARAB 391: Arabic through Media, Songs, and Culture


ARAB 306: Women in Quran

ARAB 306: Women in QuranCheck out this Spring 2022 course!

ARAB 306: Women in Quran
Meets: TR 9:30-10:45am
Instructor: Dr. Abla Hasan
**Taught in English**


Spring 2022 Chinese Course Lineup

Spring 2022 Chinese Course LineupCheck out all of the Arabic Courses we'll be offering in Spring 2022!

CHIN 102: Beginning Chinese II
CHIN 202: 2nd Year Chinese II
CHIN 391: Migration and Diaspora in Sinophone Cinema **taught in English**


Spring 2022 Czech Course Lineup

Spring 2022 Czech Course LineupCheck out all of the Czech courses we'll be offering in Spring 2022!

CZEC 101: Beginning Czech I **online, 5 cr**
CZEC 102: Beginning Czech II **5 cr**
CZEC 202: 2nd Year Czech II **5 cr**
CZEC 391: Advanced Czech **1 cr**


Spring 2022 Japanese Course Lineup

Spring 2022 Japanese Course LineupCheck out all of the Japanese courses we're offering in Spring 2022!

JAPN 102: Beginning Japanese II
JAPN 203: 2nd Year Japanese II
JAPN 204: Intermediate Grammar and Reading II
JAPN 302: Advanced Convo & Composition II
JAPN 332: Japanese Pop Culture **taught in English**


JAPN 332: Japanese Pop Culture

JAPN 332: Japanese Pop CultureCheck out this Spring 2022 course!

JAPN 332: Japanese Pop Culture
Meets: TR 2:00-3:15pm
Instructor: Dr. Ikuho Amano
**Taught in English**

Network with D.C. Area Alumni
Network with D.C. Area Alumni

Network with D.C. Area Alumni

The Business Career Center is offering a virtual networking event for you to connect with D.C. area alumni! You have the opportunity to connect with alumni working for NPR, Gallup, TopGolf, and more!

Thursday, October 21, 5:00p.m via Zoom
Registration encouraged.

More details at: http://business.unl.edu/careerexpedition

Stop By To Get Help With Degree Planning

Stop By To Get Help With Degree PlanningWe know the importance of good planning. CAS will be hosting open workshops where you can review how to access and navigate the degree planner, review your degree audit and utilize the enrollment scheduler. Plan to stop by 1007 Oldfather this month-- keep reading for the days and times! Continue reading…


Nebraska Business PhD Programs

Nebraska Business PhD ProgramsLearn what it takes to earn a Ph.D. at Nebraska Business. Often students don’t know that:
-Research/teaching assistantships (about $25,000), health insurance and tuition remission
-100% Placement rate for the last 5 years (and probably longer)
-Don't necessarily need past degrees in Business Continue reading…

Originally published October 13, 2021 - Submit an Item