Have you been wanting to get a resume updated, start looking for internships/jobs, or start the process of applying to graduate school? Take advantage of the Thanksgiving break and check out the Canvas modules linked below to help get you started on taking a step forward with your future career plans.
Rural Fellows Program
• Rural Fellows is a unique program designed to connect college students to rural Nebraska communities. Student pairs move into the rural community, for a 10-week period during the summer, to complete community-identified projects. Past projects have ranged from economic development, workforce development, tourism, community planning, education, mental health, and much more. We are excited that you are interested in participating as a host community during the summer of 2022. Please complete the following application to help us know about your interested projects and potential students.
• Application Deadline: January 2022
• Application: https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Sw4hbbRroVED7U
Project Horseshoe Farm
• Project Horseshoe Farm offers Community Health Fellowship programs in Alabama and California. Alumni consistently express how transformative their Fellowship experience has been, and Fellows go to some of the top medical schools, graduate programs, and nonprofit organizations across the U.S.
• This upcoming year, HSF is offering our traditional Gap-Year Fellowship, which will begin June of 2022 and finish July of 2023 at the Greensboro, Marion, and Pomona sites. For applicants who are available and interested, we are also offering a 6-month Fellowship opportunity in Greensboro from January through July of 2022. It will be shorter, but similar in experience to the full year Fellowship.
• Application Deadline Fellowship: February 13th, 2022
ProScribe Spring Hiring Workshop
Thursday, December 16 from 3:00 PM– 5:00 PM
• ProScribe hires students to scribe at different medical offices in the Lincoln/Omaha area. They will be hosting a workshop for those interested in applying for scribing jobs. The virtual event information is below. A Job description is attached.
• Register here: https://www.proscribemd.com/career-fairs/
• Then, meet us here: https://meet.google.com/vpb-koub-zcw
Cancer Research Summer Program
Application Deadline: January 14th, 2022
• The CanSUR Program at Case Western Reserve University supports 32 undergraduates for a 10-week period (June through August) each summer. Undergraduates will be accepted from colleges and universities from across the country to work with one of 82 Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Case CCC) researchers. Stipends of $4,000 are provided for the 10-week program. Housing and travel allowances are available for select appointees. Applications are due January 14, 2022.
• For more information: https://case.edu/cancer/sites/case.edu.cancer/files/2021-11/CanSUR%20flyer_2022-2.pdf.
• Apply here: https://case.edu/cancer/training-education/cansur
Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
Application Deadline: February 5th, 2022
• SHPEP is a FREE six-week national academic summer enrichment program aimed at better positioning underrepresented students for acceptance into advanced degree, health professions programs. UNMC, along with multiple other medical schools across the country, will offer this program next summer. We encourage any Freshmen or Sophomores to consider applying for a seat with the Summer Health Professions Program (SHPEP) next summer.
• The application is open now and closes February 5th.
• Requirements for SHPEP are here: http://ow.ly/zoqk50GzApf.
• Application FAQs: https://www.shpep.org/apply-to-shpep/faqs/
Pre-Occupational Therapy Students
December 15th form 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. virtually
UNMC will be hosting a virtual Open House event for those of you who are interested in their OT program. It will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 12p.m. – 1p.m. This open house will provide an overview of the OT program at UNMC, time to visit with current UNMC OT students, and a Q & A session about the OT program. See attached flyer.
To Register:https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/297025745554218068/false#/invitation
Questions? Email cahpadmissions@unmc.edu
• LGBTQ+ at Arup hosted by Arup
• Special agent (Women in Cyber) Info Session hosted by the FBI
• Fast Enterprises Information Session hosted by Fast Enterprises