Week 3 Modern Languages Newsletter
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." - E.E. Cummings
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." - E.E. Cummings
Sydney Webb is the Academic Advisor for the School of Global Integrative Studies and the Modern Languages department. You can make an appointment with her through MyPLAN or see her drop-in hours at the link below.
**Drop-ins are via Zoom only** Continue reading…
Learn more about the language and culture of Spanish-speaking countries with our student-led Spanish Club! You can find Spanish Club on NvolveU.
For more info, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @spanishclubunl or email us at unlspanishclub1@gmail.com
Join Spanish students from all levels for discussion and exploration of Spanish culture and language!
Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00pm via Zoom
Contact Lola Lorenzo (mlorenzo1@unl.edu) to join
Join the Spanish Conversation Table to practice your Spanish listening and speaking skills on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm on Zoom (password: Spring2022)!
Questions? email lvalencia-galvis@huskers.unl.edu
Join UNL Arabic and UNL MENA for Arabic Conversation Hour to learn the culture, speak the language, and make new friends! All levels are welcome!
Fridays from 3:00pm-4:00pm on Zoom
Meeting ID: 970 7447 1656
Passcode: 1234
For more info, email halmokhreq2@huskers.unl.edu or fmahdi2@huskers.unl.edu
The Kawasaki Reading Room will be hosting Japanese Conversation Tables on Wednesday nights from 5:00-6:00pm starting this week!
You're invited to attend the School of Global Integrative Studies' first Global Café of 2022 on Teaching Abroad! Join us for a roundtable with 5 UNL grads who have followed their wanderlust and got jobs teaching abroad.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
12:00-1:00pm CST on Zoom
Looking to grow or build your professional wardrobe for the upcoming career fair or possible job interviews? Check out the Husker Suit-Up event where you can take an extra 30% off select career and dress apparel either in-store or online through shopping at JC Penney.
Text HUSKERSUITUP to 67292 Continue reading…
Nominations are open for the Chancellor’s Outstanding Contribution to Women Award. Consider nominating outstanding faculty, staff, and students who have worked to create a climate that encourages women-identifying individuals to succeed at UNL! Continue reading…
More details at: https://ccsw.unl.edu/chancellors-outstanding-contribution-women-award
The Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship honors the legacy of the abolitionist and statesman with a fully funded summer study abroad program for students of color who exemplify leadership, social justice, agitation for positive change and cross-cultural understanding.
Deadline: 2/14 Continue reading…
This 6 week summer program is designed to provide undergraduates with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers.
Deadline: 2/15 Continue reading…
The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs' monthly, free webinar with best practices in applying to graduate school walks attendees through the basics of selecting a program, putting together an application, paying for school, and more. Upcoming dates: February 9 and March 7
More details at: https://apsia.org/why-international-affairs/events/The Explore Center has announced their line-up of Pre-Law workshops for this semester. Check out the link below to see when they'll be offering their workshops on gaining experience, law school essays, the LSAT, and law school applications!
More details at: https://explorecenter.unl.edu/docs/flyers/2022/Semester-Event-Flyers-Spring-2022-PLAW.pdfJoin the International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) to learn and try skiing or snowboarding Feb. 12 from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Mt. Crescent Ski Area, Iowa. Continue reading…
More details at: https://globalnebraska.unl.edu/issoThe International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) is excited to bring back Life in Lincoln! Students will have a weekly opportunity to enjoy activities around the campus and the Lincoln community and make new friends. Continue reading…
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/lifeinlincoln2022
This May we head to Ireland and Northern Ireland to learn how to negotiate peace and whether or not conflicts truly end or are managed. This 3-week, 3-credit experience will be lifechanging! Apply for GLST 391: Negotiating Peace to go abroad this summer!
Visit the link below for more info
Programs in English as a Second Language (PIESL) offers an English as a Second Language (ESL) Support Lab for international students and scholars who may need language-related support in their courses, reading and writing assignments. Continue reading…
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/esl-lab
Join Nebraska faculty, staff and students for a spring semester program to learn about entrepreneurship strategies. The program begins Feb. 7, and participants may sign up individually or in teams of up to five people by Feb. 3.
Continue reading…
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