The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) is excited to bring Life in Lincoln back.
Students will have a weekly opportunity to enjoy activities around the campus and the Lincoln community, learn more about the City of Lincoln and make lasting friendships.
For the Spring of 2022 semester, students will meet each Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the Nebraska City Student Union area by the Crib fireplace. A student worker or ISSO staff facilitator will greet students and lead each evening’s activity. The group will venture out into the Lincoln community from the Union for dinner, coffee, exploring the downtown area and other similar activities.
All students are welcome to join us!
Life in Lincoln tentative Spring 2022 schedule is as below:
- January 28: Meet Reshell Ray of Student Leadership, Involvement and Community (SLICE) and Natalie Baskin of Global Affairs to learn how you can get more involved on campus. Students have the option to watch The Avengers movies hosted by Slice and Campus Night Life. The screening is free for UNL students with Event Pass.
- February 4: Join Lincoln’s First Friday Artwalk, held on the first Friday of every month, to visit art galleries in Lincoln.
- February 11: Explore East Campus
- February 18: Grab free appetizers and mingle with fellow Huskers at Rodizio Grill at the Haymarket.
- February 25: Tour a local coffee shop in Lincoln and find a hidden gem that makes Lincoln feel special.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/lifeinlincoln2022