Each newsletter I will be sharing tips, campus resources, and skills that can help you personally, academically, and professionally. This newsletter’s highlight is Experiential Learning!
Have you had a cool hands-on learning experience, like volunteering, research, internship, or field school? Are you currently participating in one? Are you planning one for this Summer?
Don’t forget to document it in MyRED! Under the Academics tab, you’ll see “Experiential Learning.” By filling out the form on that page for each of your experiences, it helps us to know and showcase the cool things you’re doing, AND it lets you keep track of what you’ve done, which is helpful as you continue updating your resume.
The last week of classes is quickly approaching! Start planning for your final exams by viewing the schedule here: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar/final-exam/#tab1
I will not be available for Zoom drop-ins on Monday, May 2nd.
*March 7-May 15: Open Registration for Summer Sessions 2022
*March 28-April 12: Priority Registration for Fall Semester 2022
*April 13-August 21: Open Registration for Fall Semester 2022
*May 1-7: Last week of classes
*May 7: Last day of classes
*May 9-May 13: Spring Semester Final Exams
*May 14: Spring Semester Undergraduate Commencement
The Academic Calendar has all the dates you should know about for the whole academic year! You can find it here: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar/
More details at: https://unl.starfishsolutions.com/starfish-ops/dl/instructor/serviceCatalog.html?bookmark=connection/4156349