Dear GKSOM community,
The GKSOM is taking additional steps to follow the directives of the university system. Please know that your safety, and that of all our friends and loved ones, is most important to us. We hope that these steps will help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your willingness to follow them.
Thank you for all your efforts and flexibility during this challenging time. We are all working to find creative solutions to meet the challenge to avoid the spread of this very real pandemic. We have amazing students, staff and faculty, and I know that we will succeed and be stronger because of our efforts.
Please keep in mind that the following are still in place:
1. No students are to work face-to-face, in person with a students, staff, or faculty for a UNL course.
2. No piano GTA’s are to play with anyone face-to-face in fulfillment of their assistantship duties.
3. No chamber groups are to meet face-to-face in fulfillment of any UNL course requirement.
4. On- or off-campus in-person meetings are prohibited for courses or degree-related requirements. No exceptions. Remote instruction and/or remote contact only.
5. Any events, in-person group gathering, or use of the GKSOM facilities by any organization are suspended until further notice.
Modified Building Access (read carefully)
UNL’s campus building N-card access will be modified beginning at 7 a.m. Friday, March 20, 2020. UNL will move to a modified door access schedule. This means all academic building exterior entry doors will be automatically locked requiring your N-Card to gain access.
Effective, Monday March 23, all employees are expected to work from home, including student workers. Until further notice, all faculty and music majors (UG and Grad) will continue to have N-Card access to Westbrook Music Building Monday-Friday 8-5 pm
ONLY. All classrooms and Kimball Recital Hall will be closed and locked. Offices will be closed and locked. Practice rooms will be available to students.
WMB will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Do NOT prop or tape the exterior doors open. Only one person to a practice room is allowed. No exceptions.
Dance majors will need to follow the CEMA building access rules of CEMA. For more information, please contact Prof. Susan Ourada at slo@unl.edu.
Everyone is strongly encouraged NOT to be on campus and practice at home if possible. If you must be on campus, observe social distancing standards by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet. We continue to encourage students to go home if possible. It would be wise for everyone to take all their belongings home with them in the event that all building access is revoked university-wide.
A plan is being developed for instrument and locker return. For more information, contact Dayana Corredor at dcorredor2@unl.edu.
Academic items
Applied lessons
Remote instruction only. No in-person contact.
Degree Recitals
Student and applied professor communicate remotely to
determine accommodation that will not require in-person
performance. Programs are required for accreditation
purposes and to receive credit for your recital. For more
information, contact Brian Reetz at breetz2@unl.edu.
Students will be assessed on work before remote instruction began. Ensemble directors will communicate remotely with
students any for remote instruction and/or assignments for
the remainder of the semester.
Recitals with chamber music or that include groups with 2 or more players
Student and applied professor work together to determine
accommodation that will not require in-person performance.
Juries are canceled. Students will be assessed by their
individual applied faculty this semester.
Upper divisional
Students will be assessed by their individual applied faculty
this semester.
Chamber music
Students will be assessed on work before remote instruction
requirements began.
Additional resources
Questions about Graduate programs: contact Dr. Glenn Nierman gnierman@unl.edu.
Questions about Undergraduate programs: contact Alan Mattingly alan.mattingly@unl.edu
For Faculty and Staff: Employee Assistance Program: https://hr.unl.edu/eap/. To schedule an appointment, call (402) 472-3107 or 888-445-9881.
For Students: Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS) https://caps.unl.edu. To schedule an appointment, call 402-472-4750
University’s Covid-19 website: https://covid19.unl.edu. (Visit this site often for all the latest updates and resources.)
CDC’s Covid-19 website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.
Lancaster County Department of Health for local updates: https://lincoln.ne.gov/city/health/
For up to date information from the GKSOM : https://arts.unl.edu/music/news/gksom-covid-19
Libraries Closing
The University Libraries, with the exception of the Adele Coryell Hall Learning Commons, will close at 8 p.m. March 20, and will remain closed indefinitely. The learning commons, located on the first floor of Love Library North, will be accessible to anyone with a valid NCard from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays. No libraries faculty or staff will be working in the learning commons. The space will be monitored by University Police. For more information, see https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/love-library-prepares-for-closure/.
Student Questions
I am sure that you have questions. Please follow this COVID-19 questions link and submit the questions you have, and we will answer them as quickly as possible.
And finally
Please remember to take care of yourselves. Get plenty of sleep, get some exercise, and spend time with your families. Practice social distancing, wash your hands, and stay happy and healthy!
Sergio Ruiz
More details at: https://arts.unl.edu/music/news/gksom-covid-19