We wanted to send you an important update. To help protect the health and safety of our music and dance community, most spring 2021 auditions for all incoming fall 2021 undergraduate and graduate applicants to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music will be held remotely.
For most areas of study, this will require uploading a video of your audition onto a platform such at VidGrid, Vimeo, or YouTube and then submitting the link to that video. Below are instructions to upload and submit your audition to the Glenn Korff School of Music, tips on creating a successful video, and audition requirements by area.
Creating an Excellent Audition Video
• Use recording equipment that will help you produce the best audio and video. External microphones tend to produce better results than internal microphones in a laptop, phone, or tablet.
• Watch your entire video before submitting to make sure all audio and video elements meet your expectations.
• If using accompaniment, be sure both parts are balanced.
• This short video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyhwMZwohbo&feature=youtu.be) gives great advice on lighting, camera and microphone placement, and other factors.
Also, be sure to see what each area at the Glenn Korff School of Music has for requirements.
Overall Link: https://arts.unl.edu/music/prospective-students
Undergraduate link: https://arts.unl.edu/music/undergraduate-audition-requirements
Graduate link: https://arts.unl.edu/music/music-interviews-and-auditions
But first, be sure to apply to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as it is required before applying to the Glenn Korff School of Music and your chance to audition.
Link: https://admissions.unl.edu/apply/
More details at: https://arts.unl.edu/music/prospective-students