We've made it to the final week of performances. Amazing work everyone. The webcasts have been so fun to watch and many people from across the country and world are tuning in! More to come this week!
-- Brian Reetz, GKSOM PR and Marketing Continue reading…
Each year the talented students of the Glenn Korff School of Music compete for the opportunity to perform a concerto, aria, or other solo work with one of the school’s premiere large ensembles. Continue reading…
In response to the pandemic, which has completely changed possibilities for making music in person, the composers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music have teamed up with our performer colleagues to create music for our time. Continue reading…
Korff Kast Extra, an off shoot of Korff Kast (the podcast of the Glenn Korff School of Music) is being released today and features student Alex Chapman. Continue reading…
Awhile back and leading up to the Flyover II performance on November 17, I asked a composer in the composition studio if it would be okay for me to follow her on her process from the start of developing a piece to the end, the actual performance. Continue reading…
More details at: https://arts.unl.edu/hlfpa/news/flyover-process-start-finish