For the second full Korff Kast, we feature University of Nebraska-Lincoln dance student Thảo Dương.
Duong was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and started receiving professional training through a-year-long involvement with the Urban Dance Group Vietnam (UDG Vietnam) Company when she was 17. She is now a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln pursuing two Bachelors’ Degrees in Advertising & Public Relations and Dance, with a minor in Psychology.
During her college years, Duong has performed in over 40 shows and dance productions which includes “LIFTED!” with Rennie Harris Puremovement Company and “What Problem” with Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company.
She has been invited as a Guest Speaker at the Creative Commons organization as well as a Guest Instructor at Chase the Spirit of Dance studio.
Duong was a former Dance Ambassador of the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, former President of the UNL Hip Hop Dance Club, and currently the President of Orchesis Dance Group, a newly reformed organization promoting diversity in dance and dance cultures.
On top of being a dancer and choreographer, Duong has done marketing internships with Lincoln Literacy Organization, the Lied Center for Performing Arts, Vivayic, UNL Career Services, UNL Campus Rec, etc.
Duong believes in utilizing her knowledge and skills in both marketing and dance to benefit her surrounding communities. She has been the event director of multiple original events as ways of giving back to the UNL and Lincoln communities:
• The UNDERGROOVE 2019, UNL Hip Hop Dance Club’s first original show and dance battle celebrating Hip Hop dance and culture
• A series of street dance workshops with the participation of local and famous dancers/choreographers from Omaha, Houston, and L.A.
• Save UNL Dance performance, an event of the Save UNL Dance campaign fighting for the UNL Dance Program from the risk of being eliminated from UNL
This Korff Kast also features The Short Walk Home by Glenn Korff School of Music composition student Andrew Vaggalis and performed by John Wayne Duke, Marimba on the first Flyover performance of the semester.
Here is a link to the podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-470523921/korff-kast-2-featuring-thao-duong