Flyover New Music presents ‘Going Forward’ on March 1

GKSOM student Meredith Ollerich presents her composition ‘The Bird Outside My Window’ during a Flyover performance in the Fall of 2020.
GKSOM student Meredith Ollerich presents her composition ‘The Bird Outside My Window’ during a Flyover performance in the Fall of 2020.

On March 1, the Composition Area in the Glenn Korff School of Music at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will be live-streaming Flyover IV, titled “Going Forward” at 7:30 p.m. live from Westbrook Recital Hall.

The compositions on this concert each convey the need for us to always keep pushing ahead towards tomorrow. In life, we go through many difficult trials and obstacles, but we strive to push past the hardships and have the courage to never give up. No matter the mistakes we make or the promises we fail to keep, we can continue to grow together as long as we still have the determination to press on.

The music on this program includes a vocal piece about forgiveness, a cello solo about creating a work of art, a string quartet about motion, and a brass quintet about a hero upholding his responsibilities. “Going Forward” will be a concert that no one should miss. Join us on March 1 and hear the stories that our composers are ready to tell and share with the community. We hope that you can see and hear the desire of our composition students to continue growing as composers, musicians, and people, especially in the midst of a pandemic.

No in-person audience. Live webcast link: