Music@UNL E-Newsletter

Bestul chosen as winner of Play with the Chiaras

Hattie BestulHattie Bestul (clarinet) was chosen as the winner of the “Play with the Chiaras” auditions. Bestul will be performing the Brahms Clarinet Quintet with the Chiara String Quartet as part of the Hixson-Lied Concert Series taking place on Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Kimball Recital Hall. Continue reading…


Wet Ink showcases Composition program at UNL

Wet InkThe Composition program at the Glenn Korff School of Music presents its WET INK concert series for the Spring 2015 semester on April 8-9 in the Westbrook Recital Hall. This two-evening concert series features an especially varied and rich set of premieres from the student composers at UNL. Continue reading…

Originally published March 27, 2015 - Submit an Item