The Big Red Singers and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble will each be performing on Saturday, December 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music’s Kimball Recital Hall.
In its final performance of the Fall semester, the Big Red Singers will premiere its second show of the season in anticipation of UNL’s Midwest Cup Show Choir Competition on January 14, 2017. In their initial performance in August, the Big Red Singers performed select titles of recent Nebraska Show Choir Camp songs. On Saturday, the Big Red Singers will again perform its NSCC show from August as well as debut its customized show that has been built over the course of the Fall semester. Given the nature of show choir performance, there will be a 30-minute intermission between the two BRS shows to allow the BRS members to prepare for their second show. However, this intermission will feature about two dozen choral students from the Glenn Korff School of Music performing treasures from traditional choral literature repertoire for the audiences’ enjoyment. From the first note of the Vocal Jazz Ensemble through the conclusion of the Big Red Singers’ concluding song Nebraska Hymn, audience members can look forward to about two hours of quality and diverse music.
The Vocal Jazz Ensemble will present selections from their recent NMEA conference performance, including music of Vince Mendoza, Brad Mehldau, the Four Freshmen, Kelly Kunz, and other new arrangements. The ensemble includes vocalists and rhythm section, and is directed by David von Kampen.
The performances will also be live Webcast. Visit for the direct link the night of the performance. Tickets are General Admission $5; Student/Seniors $3 and can be purchased at the door. A reminder that this event was rescheduled from Sunday, December 11.