Dr. George Gogos, NCESR Director highlights NCESR research success of faculty and students in the Director's Corner. Read here the first highlighted story about Dr. Shudipto Konika Dishari. Continue reading…
The principal investigators (PIs) who were awarded funding for Cycle 19.
Are you concerned about climate change and the release of CO2 into our atmosphere? The ChemE Cube Team designed and presented a solution at the AIChE National ChemE Cube competition in San Diego, CA. Read more about their work, experience and how they ranked in the competition. Continue reading…
Check out who participated in the Strengthening Nebraska's Bioeconomy - Public & Private Partnership panel at the UNL Agricultural Research Division (ARD) Research Day on December 4, 2024. Continue reading…
It's 2025! Encourage your undergrads to apply for the Summer internships NOW! Up to 8 will be awarded. Application deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., CT. Continue reading…
NCESR Cycle 20 RFP release is just around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about ideas for innovative research to develop or enhance energy science and technologies. Preproposals will be due May 15, 2025. Continue reading…
UNL Faculty please encourage students who have been or are involved with your NCESR funded projects to present a poster at the UNL Student Research Days April 15-16, 2025. Registration deadline is March 14, 2025. Continue reading…
Photo of the "The Team" between NCESR and NPPD leadership and staff.