The Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 21, at Nebraska Wesleyan University as a hybrid event.
Please take note of important dates associated with preparations for the Annual Meeting below. Please encourage others in your peer group to join NAS and participate in the Annual Meeting!
Conference deadlines are as follows:
*February 24, 2023 - Abstracts Due
*March 17, 2023- Section Chairpersons send program pages and timeline.
*March 17, 2023- NAS section chairpersons will notify presenters of abstract acceptance status.
*April 10, 2023 - Online Registration closes, will reopen the morning of the meeting
*April 20, 2023 - Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences State Competition
*April 21, 2023 - 132st NAS Annual Meeting.
To submit an abstract: Please prepare and submit an abstract and register as a presenter at A template to guide preparation of your abstract is available to download from the 2023 information page.
Students are encouraged to take this opportunity to present research results and engage with others in their field. The Meeting Program and Abstracts will be available online for all participants and published in the Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences.
If you have questions, please email
2023 Registration costs:
*General Registration – $50.00 (includes meeting registration)
*General Registration with Membership – $95.00 (includes meeting registration and a one-year membership to NAS)
*Student Registration – $50.00 (includes meeting registration and a one-year membership to NAS)
We hope you will be able to join with other participants at the Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting as they celebrate science education and active research in Nebraska. Please contact with questions and visit for more information.