Nebraska.Code is the biggest and best professional software development conference and a cornerstone of the tech community in the area. It's coming to Lincoln July 19-21, 2023.
Nebraska.Code has sessions covering all aspects of software development including AI/ML, front-end development, software craftsmanship, cloud topics, .NET development, open source development, career development, and a track dedicated to Agile software development.
If you purchase your tickets before May 27, 2023, and use the discount code EarlyBird at checkout you will receive $50 off your ticket purchase.
• Nebraska.Code() Ticket - $369
• Workshop Only - $269
• Nebraska.Code() + Workshop - $569
Register: https://nebraskacode.amegala.com/Registration/Pricing
Wednesday, July 19 - Full-Day Workshops
Thursday, July 20-Friday, July 21 - Keynotes and Breakout Sessions
Keynotes are:
Lies Developers Tell Themselves
Billy Hollis - Partner, Next Version Systems
The Power of Open-Source: How To Contribute To and Manage Communities
Caitlin Cabera - Kolide
Build Your Power Playbook: 17 Steps To Regain Your Power in Life and Work
Dona Sarka - Director of Tech, Accessibility - Microsoft
Designing a Great Product Org: Lessons from 15 Years of Successes and Screw Ups
John Wirtz - Chief Product Officer, Hudl