Nebraska's Project Learning Tree (PLT), Project WET, and Project WILD programs are set to host their annual New Facilitator Training this July 23 and 24 in Norfolk, Nebraska. See the following information for more details and register online.
Join a network of like-minded passionate partners to bring quality environmental education professional learning opportunities to educators near you! This training will equip participants in how to lead professional development events for early childhood, K-12, and nonformal educators centered on the trusted, quality PLT, Project WET and Project WILD suite of curricula.
Facilitators will be able to provide PLT, Project WET and Project WILD curriculum in partnership with the Nebraska state programs after completing this training by advocating for quality environmental education for all youth, modeling activities from each curriculum and engaging with a network of partners to reach a common goal. This workshop will train participants in how to use the materials and how to become an effective and engaging workshop facilitator.
Requirements of Facilitators:
- Attend this onboarding training and any required annual continuing education
- Plan and conduct a minimum of one professional development event per year
- Work with your state coordinator to schedule, plan and announce professional development events
- Complete and submit all necessary paperwork
- Represent PLT, WET and WILD in a professional manner
- Be objective and scientifically accurate
- Promote and encourage PLT, WET and WILD, their use with students and the value of training fellow educators
- Work collaboratively with other facilitators and partners to meet the needs of educators in your community
Training Details:
- July 23 and 24 at Lower Elkhorn NRD, Norfolk, Nebraska
- Provided Curriculum includes Explore Your Environment, Trees and Me, Focus on Forests and Forests and Climate Change from PLT; Guide 2.0, Getting Little Feet WET and Climate Water and Resilience from Project WET; WILD, Aquatic WILD and Growing up WILD from Project WILD.
- Cost is $35 to cover the cost of meals and minor supplies.
Who is Eligible?
Anyone who is passionate about quality environmental education, provides educator professional development as a part of their work, or supports educators in connecting youth with the natural world. Most trained facilitators conduct workshops as a part of their duties in their day-to-day employment. Great examples include preservice education professors, extension educators, museum/nature center staff, natural resource professionals, educational service unit staff, school district curriculum specialists, and more. Participants are recommended to have attended at least one PLT, WET, or WILD training in the past.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/projects-learning-tree-wet-wild-facilitator-train-the-trainer-workshop-tickets-824076383647?aff=oddtdtcreator
Lodging will be the responsibility of the participants. Norfolk has plenty of options to fit any budget.
Questions? Contact us!
Jack Hilgert, Nebraska Project Learning Tree and Project WET, jack.hilgert@unl.edu
Monica Macoubrie, Nebraska Project WILD, monica.macoubrie@nebraska.gov
Project Learning Tree (PLT) provides educators with high-quality professional development, hands-on activities, and multi-disciplinary supplemental curriculum that can be easily integrated into lesson plans for all grades and subject areas to help teach youth about trees, forests, and the environment.
Project WET stands for Water Education Today. Water is a part of everything we are, everything we eat, and everything we use. Yet most people do not even know where their water comes from, let alone their larger water footprint. Project WET provides educators, natural resource professionals, and more real-world, relevant, and hands-on lessons, that create an interdisciplinary learning environment focused on the most essential aspect of life—water.
Project WILD's mission is to provide wildlife-based conservation and environmental education that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resources. All curriculum materials are backed by sound educational practices and theory, and represent the work of many professionals within the fields of education and natural resource management from across the country.