Take an NMSSI course and pay only $384 for tuition! It is possible! All Nebraska teachers qualify for a 20% tuition discount ($171) and $300 supplemental fellowships are also available for the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln this summer.
Join your colleagues today in applying for an NMSSI Fellowship: https://cse.unl.edu/scimath/apps/apply.php. Check out our course catalog at: http://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi.
Two science courses that we are offering in Summer 2014 for secondary science teachers are:
GEOS 898: Methods in Geoscience Field Instruction (Class #3420, Sec # 591)
June 14-29 (June 15 depart UNL at 8 a.m., June 29 return by 5 p.m.)
A 15-day, inquiry-based geology field course in which participants will enhance their inquiry skills and experience learning (and camping) in the great outdoors across Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming. The primary aim of this course is to improve educators’ ability to teach inquiry, gain knowledge and understanding of geoscience, and to demonstrate effective teaching methods for 6-12 learning environments. Participants will discover, observe and study a variety of natural phenomena, focusing on Earth processes and geological history. Enrollment is limited to 10. Instructor: David Harwood, Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln**
** Teachers who have taken GEOS 898: Methods in Geoscience Field Instruction previously or plan to take it this summer can take TEAC 842E: Inquiry from the Geology Field to the Classroom. See the NMSSI website for more details on this course.
GEOS 898: Exploring the Geology of our Solar System (Class # 3421, Sec # 692)
July 21-25 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), 203 Bessey Hall on UNL City Campus
The goal of this course is to offer a broad overview of planetary science to improve educators’ knowledge and understanding of the processes which shape the surfaces of the terrestrial bodies in our solar system. This course is designed to take you beyond the typical classroom lecture and book approach to highlight educational tools and inquiry based teaching methods that can be integrated into the K-12 learning environment. Instructor: Mindi Searls, Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Benefits of the NMSSI:
* Nebraska teachers automatically qualify for a 20 percent discount on in-state tuition at UNL for courses not online
* Teachers can also apply for an additional $300 tuition fellowship from the NMSSI: https://cse.unl.edu/scimath/apps/apply.php
* All NMSSI courses also include a free lunch on each day of class
* The $50 UNL Graduate Studies admission fee is waived for current Nebraska teachers
* Each course is worth 3 graduate credit hours at UNL
* Register in one simple application through Teach Nebraska: http:///www.unl.edu/gradstudies/teachneb