EPSCoR and the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will sponsor the 17th annual Women in Science Conference, Feb. 13-14, at the Holiday Inn Downtown Lincoln. Teachers are welcome to register and bring up to four female high school students. Registration is now open online: http://go.unl.edu/womeninscience
This conference encourages young women to pursue their interests in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology by introducing them to role models of successful women in a variety of fields. Students will hear panels of female scientists speak about their careers and their lives outside of work. Tours will be led through a medical facility, and the students will participate in workshops to give them opportunities to learn more about science-related areas. The 2015 keynote speaker is aerospace engineer Tracy Bohaboj from Duncan Aviation in Lincoln.
Our goals are to expand understanding of the kinds of work scientists do and to dispel some myths surrounding science careers for women. Graduate and undergraduate students will help students learn more about college life and science majors.
Each school may bring up to four students to the conference, and a school sponsor must accompany them. Lodging, meals, and materials for the conference will be provided (lodging only for schools more than 60 miles away). Transportation and any other miscellaneous expenses are the responsibility of the participants. Teachers and students will be housed at the conference site, Holiday Inn Downtown Lincoln, with four students or two sponsors assigned per room.
Please contact us at 402-472-9312 with conference questions. Registration closes online on January 26, 2015.