The Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes has lots of good news! The 20 percent tuition discount for all in-person NMSSI courses for current Nebraska teachers has been approved by UNL, and we have five courses – two of which are brand-new! – to offer to science teachers this summer. Continue reading…
Dr. Troy Sadler, professor of science education at the University of Missouri and director of the ReSTEM Institute: Reimagining & Researching STEM Education, will review research on socio-scientific issues in scientific literacy on Thursday, March 17, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Henzlik Hall. Continue reading…
Behlen Observatory will be open to the public on the evening of Friday, March 11, from 7-10 p.m. If the weather is clear, attendees will be able to see the Great Orion Nebula, the Andromeda Galaxy, a thin Crescent Moon, and Jupiter. The Society of Physics Students will have physics demonstrations. Continue reading…
Mark Griep, an associate professor of Chemistry, recently published a "Guidebook for the Sharing Cycle of Science Learning: A Method to Connect Tribal College Science Lab Courses to Community Topics". Continue reading…
YNS 2016 summer camps include multi-day sessions on Biodiversity (at Cedar Point Biological Station), Nanoscience (at UNL), Cybersecurity (at University of Nebraska at Kearney) and Algae Biofuels (at Doane College). See for details on residential/commuter options; apply by May 1. Continue reading…
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