Young Nebraska Scientists' 2016 summer camps include high school and middle school sessions:
* Biodiversity (HS), June 5 to 11 at Cedar Point Biological Station
* Nanoscience (HS), June 6 to 9 at UNL
* Nanoscience (MS), June 12 to 17 at UNL
* Algae Biofuels (MS), June 19 to 24 at Doane College
* Algae Biofuels (HS), June 26 to 29 at Doane College
* NEW! Cybersecurity (MS & HS) at UNK, see website for details
YNS camps are conducted by Nebraska EPSCoR with support from the National Science Foundation, to encourage youth participation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning. NSF support helps keep camp fees low; faculty from Nebraska colleges and universities are camp leaders and university students help staff the camps.
See for information and apply by May 1.
More details at: