BugFest, the annual open house for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Department of Entomology, is 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 11 in Entomology Hall on East Campus. The event is free and open to the public.
"This year's BugFest will feature lots of buggy fun," said coordinator Lisa Silberman. "There will be fun games and activities for all ages while also providing community members an opportunity to learn about important issues such as bedbugs, ants, flies and emerald ash borer."
Guests of all ages will be able to tour the research labs and pollinator garden, have pictures taken on a giant bug, see inside of a beehive, learn how bees work together and more. In addition to entomology professors and students, guest hosts from Lincoln Scientific Illustrators and the Henry Doorly Zoo will be on hand.
Parking is available north of the East Union. For more information, contact Silberman at 402-472-3416 or lsilberman1@unl.edu.