The application for K-12 teachers’ professional development through the new Nebraska Partnership TEAMS grant is now open. TEAMS, which replaces the Nebraska Department of Education’s KICKS and NMPDS programs for 2017-18, is a partnership between NDE and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and will be held in five cities across the state. Two-hundred participants will be chosen, with a maximum of six teachers from the same district.
Talk to your district administrators about being nominated as a participant. We prefer that a district selects two elementary teachers, two secondary math teachers and two secondary science teachers (two for each session).
Fifty-six TEAMS teacher leaders already have been chosen to design and deliver the professional development (see our website for the list of their names). They will work with UNL faculty to create three new professional development courses, one each in elementary-integrated STEM (grades K-6), secondary math (7-12) and secondary Earth science (7-12), which will be offered June 5-9 and June 12-16, 2017, in five cities across the state. Teachers selected to participate will have the option of taking the course for graduate credit at UNL. The sessions will address content that aligns with Nebraska State Standards. Along with bolstering content knowledge in these areas, the sessions will focus on raising teacher confidence and encouraging the adoption of research-backed instructional practices.
What administrators will need for the application process:
• One administrator from each district will turn in names of the nominees from that district (up to six, this may include teachers from private schools located within district boundaries);
• For each nominee, you will need to know the grade level they currently teach; which session they want to take (Elementary STEM, Secondary Math, or Secondary Science); years of teaching experience; and any food allergies;
• Upload a one-page essay from each of the nominees (addressing why they want to participate in TEAMS and how their school, district and students will benefit from their participation); and
• Complete and submit application by February 3, 2017. Teachers will be notified of selection by mid-February.
What teachers are committing to:
• Courses are planned for the first two weeks in the summer (June 5-9 and June 12-16, 2017, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Teachers must be present each day and are paid $15/hour. Teachers have the option to register as a student at UNL and take the course for credit (costs TBA), but they must be enrolled before the course begins.
• Four Saturdays across the 2017-18 school year will be chosen for follow-up activities. Teachers must be present each of those four days and will be paid $15/hour.
• Those needing mileage reimbursements and lodging will make requests in a timely manner.
What principals are committing to:
• Will attend a half-day professional development at the same site as participating teachers.
• Support participating teachers as they endeavor to make positive changes to math and science teaching.
Regional sites (note: these cities and schools listed are tentative and will be finalized after participants are selected):
• West (I): Madison Middle School, North Platte (and potential for second site in Scottsbluff)
• Northeast (II): Norfolk Junior High School, Norfolk
• South Central (III): Starr Elementary, Grand Island
• East (IV): Washington Elementary, Fremont
• Southeast (V): Crete Middle School, Crete
Questions? Email laugustyn2@unl.edu
Apply Now: http://scimath.unl.edu/csmce/teams/
Remember: Designate one administrator from each district to turn in names of the nominees from that district by Feb. 3, 2017! Only 200 teacher spots are available!