Encourage students to participate in NJAS Regional Science Fairs

The Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences (NJAS) Science Fairs are designed to promote science and technology across Nebraska by providing an incentive for students to apply creativity and critical thought to solutions of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and engineering problems. These competitions offer an opportunity for students to meet, exchange ideas, and discuss career possibilities with scientists and engineers from colleges and industries.

NJAS Science Fairs prompt students to develop a scientific research project, write an abstract of the project, and prepare an oral presentation for the day of the competition. Students compete in two divisions: Junior Division, Grades 6-8 and Senior Division, Grades 9-12. NJAS Regional Competitions will take place in six regions throughout Nebraska. Interested teachers can learn more about the competition from their regional director:

Central Region, Neil Heckman, Hastings College, nheckman@hastings.edu
Eastern Region, Dan Sitzman, Henry Doorly Zoo, Daniel.sitzman@ops.org
Northeast Region, Adam Davis, Wayne State College, addavis1@wsc.edu
Panhandle Region, Lisa Myles, ESU 13, lmyles@esu13.org
Southeast Region, Julie Thomas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, julie.thomas@unl.edu
Western Region, Tina Smith, UNTC (Curtis), tsmith24@unl.edu

Each NJAS Regional Science Fair will secure a team of judges to recommend as many as six junior high and six senior high projects to advance to the NJAS State Science Fair competition. The NJAS State Science Fair competition will be held on April 11, 2019, at the Nebraska Wesleyan University Weary Center. Judges at the State Science Fair will recommend 10 Senior Division students to go on to the American Junior Academy of Sciences Conference to present their research in a poster and roundtable session. Students gain knowledge and confidence in these science fair competitions, but students also win scholarships, medals, certificates and other special awards at all three levels of competition. For more information, rules, and forms visit: http://www.nebraskajunioracademyofsciences.org.